An Obsidian plugin that turns web apps into panes using iframes with custom styling. Also comes with presets for Google Keep, Todoist and more. - GitHub - Ellpeck/ObsidianCustomFrames: An Obsidian ...
A plugin for Obsidian providing hotkeys that select words and lines in a smart way before applying markup. Multiple cursors are supported as well. - chrisgrieser/obsidian-smarter-md-hotkeys: A plug...
An Obsidian plugin for day planning and managing pomodoro timers from a task list in a Markdown note. - obsidian-day-planner/ at main · lynchjames/obsidian-day-planner
A plugin to edit and view Excalidraw drawings in Obsidian - GitHub - zsviczian/obsidian-excalidraw-plugin: A plugin to edit and view Excalidraw drawings in Obsidian
BRAT - Beta Reviewer's Auto-update Tool for Obsidian. Part of the Obsidian42 family of plugins. - GitHub - TfTHacker/obsidian42-brat: BRAT - Beta Reviewer's Auto-update Tool for Obs...
An Obsidian plugin to paste data from Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Apple Numbers and LibreOffice Calc as Markdown tables in Obsidian editor. - GitHub - ganesshkumar/obsidian-excel-to-markdown-ta...
Plugin which renders music notations from code blocks - GitHub - TilBlechschmidt/obsidian-plugin-abcjs: Plugin which renders music notations from code blocks
Simply add icons to your folders or files in Obsidian. - GitHub - FlorianWoelki/obsidian-icon-folder: Simply add icons to your folders or files in Obsidian.
Obsidian Plugin to Allow Notion like database based on folders - GitHub - RafaelGB/obsidian-bd-folder: Obsidian Plugin to Allow Notion like database based on folders
A minimal and aesthetically pleasing highlighting menu that makes color-coded highlighting much easier 🎨. - GitHub - chetachiezikeuzor/Highlightr-Plugin: A minimal and aesthetically pleasing highli...