obsidian plugin for indenting content under headers based on their level - svonjoi/obsidian-heading-level-indent: obsidian plugin for indenting content under headers based on their level
This Obsidian plugin to view Images, Transclusions, iFrames and PDF Files within the Editor without a necessity to switch to Preview. - ozntel/oz-image-in-editor-obsidian: This Obsidian plugin to v...
This CLI tool will let you interact with Obsidian using the terminal. You are able to open, search, create and edit files. - Yakitrak/obsidian-cli at obsidian-iceberg
Obsidian plugin to add a button to the top of the Obsidian File Explorer, to reveal the active file. - GitHub - claremacrae/reveal-active-file-button-plugin: Obsidian plugin to add a button to the ...
Keep events and manage your calendar alongside all your other notes in your Obsidian Vault. - GitHub - davish/obsidian-full-calendar: Keep events and manage your calendar alongside all your other n...
A ChatGPT bot trained on your vault notes. Ask your AI questions about your own thoughts and ideas! - exoascension/vault-chat: A ChatGPT bot trained on your vault notes. Ask your AI questions about...
An obsidian plugin that helps to render a LaTeX-style pseudocode inside a code block. - Yaotian-Liu/obsidian-pseudocode: An obsidian plugin that helps to render a LaTeX-style pseudocode inside a co...
An Obsidian plugin to search for Wikipedia articles and link them. - GitHub - StrangeGirlMurph/obsidian-wikipedia-search: An Obsidian plugin to search for Wikipedia articles and link them.
Text generator is a handy plugin for Obsidian that helps you generate text content using GPT-3 (OpenAI). - GitHub - nhaouari/obsidian-textgenerator-plugin: Text generator is a handy plugin for Obsi...
Obsidian plugin for per-pane history, pane movement/navigation hotkeys, and more - pjeby/pane-relief: Obsidian plugin for per-pane history, pane movement/navigation hotkeys, and more
Adds hotkeys to toggle todos, ordered/unordered lists and blockquotes in Obsidian - argenos/hotkeysplus-obsidian: Adds hotkeys to toggle todos, ordered/unordered lists and blockquotes in Obsidian
An Obsidian.md plugin that syncs highlights from Raindrop. - GitHub - kaiiiz/obsidian-raindrop-highlights-plugin: An Obsidian.md plugin that syncs highlights from Raindrop.
A no-brainer solution to turning your Obsidian PKM into a Zola site. - GitHub - ppeetteerrs/obsidian-zola: A no-brainer solution to turning your Obsidian PKM into a Zola site.
Create/manage your daily, weekly, and monthly notes in Obsidian - liamcain/obsidian-periodic-notes: Create/manage your daily, weekly, and monthly notes in Obsidian
This is an enhancing export plugin base on Pandoc for Obsidian (https://obsidian.md/ ). It's allow you to export to formats like Markdown、Markdown (Hugo https://gohugo.io/ )、Html、docx、Latex etc...
Commander - Obsidian Plugin | Add Commands to every part of Obsidian's user interface - phibr0/obsidian-commander: Commander - Obsidian Plugin | Add Commands to every part of Obsidian's use...