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Write together. When we write, we sometimes benefit from an extra pair of eyes or two. An editor, a publisher, a client or a friend. In Kludd, you write, share and create together. Your script, novel, story, essay or poem.
Microsoft 365 (account) | Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft 365 (account) | Microsoft Corporation
Manage your Microsoft subscriptions and free services. Change, renew, or cancel your Microsoft 365, Xbox Live, OneDrive, Xbox Music Pass and other subscriptions, and discover the free services you get with your account.
Microsoft 365 (account) | Microsoft Corporation
Tenno is an app that lets you create powerful dynamic documents where you can easily add and orchestrate computational elements. You can think of it as a mix between Word and Excel with a sprinkle of Javascript. You could also think of it as a more interactive and user friendly version of Jupyter notebooks. With Tenno you can build formulas like you do in spreadsheets, you can create charts, but you can also easily call APIs and mix and match everything. Tenno has an interactive live mode, where you see changes as you type, allowing for a very quick iteration loop. If you are into literate programming, Tenno could be something for you.
Task manager with Todoist and Nextcloud support designed for GNU/Linux 🚀
Amazon Textract - OCR Software, Data Extraction Tool
Amazon Textract - OCR Software, Data Extraction Tool
Amazon Textract is a machine learning (ML) service that uses optical character recognition (OCR) to automatically extract text, handwriting, and data from scanned PDF documents, forms, and tables.
Amazon Textract - OCR Software, Data Extraction Tool
SimpleOCR | OCR Software Experts
SimpleOCR | OCR Software Experts
Freeware OCR software, royalty-free character recognition SDK, compare and download demos from ABBYY, IRIS, Nuance, SimpleIndex, SimpleOCR & more!
SimpleOCR | OCR Software Experts
CookBook - The Recipe Manager & Planner App
CookBook - The Recipe Manager & Planner App
CookBook is the all-in-one recipe keeper & cooking app for iOS, Android & Web. Add & organise your recipes, plan your meals, create shopping lists and more!
CookBook - The Recipe Manager & Planner App
Tamari Recipe Manager
Tamari Recipe Manager
Free and open source recipe manager web app. Discover new recipes, create shopping lists, plan meals, and customize the app to your liking.
Tamari Recipe Manager