Online Platform
Swap, earn, stack yields, lend, borrow, leverage all on one decentralized, community driven platform. Welcome to DeFi.
FalconSwap is a layer 2 protocol for decentralized token swaps and token pools with added benefits including privacy, lower gas fees and aggregation.
DeFi / DEX aggregator with the most liquidity and the best rates on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain, 1inch dApp is an entry point to the 1inch Network's tech.
Free Videos Uploading and Sharing Service
Next-generation Pastebin - collaborative developing and debugging.
Check out the best free URL shortener available online. With Fc.lc you can shorten your URls and earn money while you’re at it. Create and share your short URLs with our generator and start earning money from your home!
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Unity Forum
Unity is the ultimate game development platform. Use Unity to build high-quality 3D and 2D games, deploy them across mobile, desktop, VR/AR, consoles or the Web, and connect with loyal and enthusiastic players and customers.
Free 3D models and cad models,3d print models and textures free download, find 3D objects for computer graphics at Cadnav.
Sculpteo’s online 3D printing service for prototyping and production. Get an instant quote and your parts in a few days with professional 3D printing.
Tech Target
Identify, influence and engage active buyers in your tech market with TechTarget's purchase intent insight-powered solutions. Activity matters.
Search Encrypt
SearchLock is a search engine that is designed to block unwanted prying when you use the major search engines like Bing,and Google. SearchLock has a web browser extension that works with Firefox, Chrome, and Safari browsers, keeping your personal information safe and out of the hands of unauthorized people.
Recoll finds your documents
Recoll is a desktop document search application for Unix, Linux, Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X, based on the Xapian search engine library.
Lemur Project Home
The Lemur toolkit for language modeling and information retrieval is documented and made available for download.
I Search Form
Custom Google Search tool that lets you change the Google Search language, country & city location, device, and personalization settings to preview ads & organic results.
Xapian Project
Terrier IR Platform
Terrier Information Retrieval Platform Homepage
Sphinx is an open source full text search server, designed with performance, relevance (search quality), and integration simplicity in mind. Sphinx lets you either batch index and search data stored in files, an SQL database, NoSQL storage -- or index and search data on the fly, working with Sphinx pretty much as with a database server.
NearlyFreeSpeech.NET web hosting provides powerful, low-cost hosting services for experienced webmasters with a do-it-yourself focus.
The search engine that protects your privacy.
The unrivalled search engine for pictures, images and animations
Seznam Search
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