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Teide desde Morrojable - Paisajes naturales canarios
Hoy desde Morro Jable se veía perfectamente el Teide ⛰️ (Tenerife 215km)
Sun and Moon composition with old technique
This is the sun rising over Hampton Roads harbor while a large harvest moon sets at the same time and vicinity. Taken late September or early October of 1998 in Hampton, Virginia. Those are buildings at the Norfolk Naval shipyard (across the harbor) partially obscuring the sun. Taken with an old Sigma 400mm Mirror lens, I still have the lens around here somewhere. Konica T3 Film camera, Reala 100 ISO Color Negative, Large Bogen Tripod. To all the are correct! This was actually done with the age old Film technique where you shoot the Moon with the longest lens you have when it is full. Placing it on an area that would work wonderfully if it were in a scenic photo. Shoot the whole roll the same, then rewind the film into the canister leaving the tail out. Now mark on the canister the position of the moon in the frame and place the roll in the freezer. On another day, when your in the mood to make some scenic photos, reload the Moon roll, and remember where the moon is from your drawing/marking, now shoot the scenic that will now includes the Full moon.... When I first shot this (on color negative) my daughter was a little girl in elementary school and she took one of the prints to school to show her science teacher, who was very upset at the thought that it was a single exposure and explained to my daughter that the event depicted was "Astronomically impossible".... This upset my daughter a great deal as she knew "My Daddy took the photo..." .
El Teide desde Lanzarote 2022 - Gustavo Medina
Nuevo año, nuevos retos. Primer reto conseguido en el primer día de 2022. El Teide desde Lanzarote, visto desde Los Ajaches, con el pueblo de Femes en primer plano, incluso se puede ver su árbol de navidad. Fotografía totalmente planificada, solo había que esperar a los condiciones perfectas.
Feliz año nuevo 2022
UNIversal DISClosure Image Gallery
Looking toward Chicago - Joshua Nowicki
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El Teide desde Lanzarote 2015 - Gustavo Medina
Ciertos días del año ,desde Lanzarote se puede divisar la montaña más alta de España ,con 3718 metros. El volcán Teide en la isla de Tenerife Certain days of the year, from Lanzarote you can see the highest mountain of Spain .with 3718 meters. Volcano Teide on the island of Tenerife
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NASA Hubble Space Telescope
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Project Apollo Archive - Flickr
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National Geographic Photo of the Day
Hampton University's marching band feigns disinterest as the rival band is introduced at a football game in this image from our photography archives.