
Import Data ― Raindrop.io Help
Import Data ― Raindrop.io Help
Raindrop.io supports importing bookmarks from web browsers and services in various formats.
Import Data ― Raindrop.io Help
up.raindrop.io - raindrop
up.raindrop.io - raindrop
Max size per file to upload on raindrop is 260 MiB
up.raindrop.io - raindrop
up.raindrop.io (AWS) - Compatible files to upload
up.raindrop.io (AWS) - Compatible files to upload
  • audio: mp3
  • document: doc, docx, odt, pdf, ppt, xls
  • ebook: epub
  • image: gif, jpg, heif, png, tiff, webp
  • text: txt,md
  • video: 3gp, avi, flv, mkv, mov, mp4, webm
up.raindrop.io (AWS) - Compatible files to upload
2021-05-01 - raindrop
2021-05-01 - raindrop
All in One Bookmark Manager. For your inspiration, read later, media and stuff.
2021-05-01 - raindrop
raindrop.io - exentrich (category 66)
raindrop.io - exentrich (category 66)

raindrop.io saves directories or "categories" as they called as a unique ID like https://app.raindrop.io/my/ID

This means that you can access public "categories" of other users.

And as an avergae there more than 80 folders created per minute.

raindrop.io - exentrich (category 66)