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🌷 Mindfulness MEDITACIÓN de la MAÑANA 5 minutos: Necesaria!!! - YouTube
🌷 Mindfulness MEDITACIÓN de la MAÑANA 5 minutos: Necesaria!!! - YouTube
Meditación de la mañana. Meditación para las mañanas. Meditación guiada para hacer todas las mañanas. Meditación corta. Meditación corta para la mañana. Meditaciones cortas para hacer por la mañana. Mindfulness para la mañana. Ejercicios cortos de mindfulness. Mindfulness meditación guiada. Mindfulness meditación corta. Hola a tod@s!! Hoy os comparto esta meditación guiada para hacer por las mañanas de solo 5 minutos para aquell@s de vosotr@s que no tenéis mucho tiempo pero sabéis lo importante que es hacer este ejercicio todos los días. Pienso que realizar meditación todas las mañanas es una de las prácticas más saludables y útiles que podemos hacer por nuestro cuerpo, nuestra mente y nuestras emociones... ¿Por qué? Verás: Normalmente funcionamos en modo "automático" haciendo y haciendo cosas, la mayoría de las cuales son actos reflejos de nuestras creencias y las hacemos sin prestar atención, de modo que, en muchas ocasiones, reaccionamos de forma poco adecuada ante las circunstancias. Realizar este tipo de práctica mindfulness es importante, en primer lugar, para ponernos en contacto con nuestro cuerpo, algo que olvidamos con frecuencia, lo cual es maravilloso porque es una forma de cuidar de él, simplemente atendiéndolo y escuchándolo. Por otra parte, trabajamos las emociones de forma que, en primer lugar, nos hacemos conscientes de cómo nos sentimos y qué es lo que sentimos exactamente (porque muchas veces ni lo sabemos) y, en segundo lugar, nos damos un espacio interior para poder sentir dicha emoción, es decir, nos damos el permiso de sentirla, sea cual sea, tanto si es positiva como si es negativa, aceptando no desde la resignación, sino desde la observación. ¿Qué quiere decir esto? Pues que antes de poder actuar y tomar decisiones, es muy importante darnos el permiso de expresarnos y sentir y que además tenemos todo el derecho de sentirnos así (pues en la vida siempre toca vivir momentos buenos y momentos difíciles, todo el mundo sin excepción). Una vez que sabemos lo que sentimos y por qué, es importante tratarnos con mimo y cuidado, atendiendo tanto nuestro cuerpo como nuestras emociones igual que atenderíamos a un bebé, es decir, dándonos mensajes compasivos como: "tranquilo, es normal que te sientas así, tienes derecho, esto pasará como todo, etc... En esta meditación trabajaremos: 1. Atención al cuerpo 2. Atención a las emociones 3. Atención a la respiración Gracias de todo corazón por hacer esta meditación :) Espero que pases un día FABULOSOOO!!! Suscríbete al canal para ayudarme a crecer :) GRACIAS! Mi página de Facebook Mi otro Canal Babycuentos Imágenes Edición y montaje del video, voz, texto y música Yo misma :) Todos los derechos reservados y protegidos por las leyes de copyright y tratados internacionales. Nota Importante de Des-responsabilización: Los videos y meditaciones de este canal solo son propuestas en base a mi propia evolución, pero eso no quiere decir que sean las acertadas. Úsalos si te sirven y deséchalos si no te sirven. Es tu responsabilidad utilizar esta información como creas más conveniente. Por último, recuerda que estas meditaciones no constituyen una terapia y que no sustituyen ni excluyen la atención o el tratamiento médico o farmacológico convencional prescrito por profesionales sanitarios.
🌷 Mindfulness MEDITACIÓN de la MAÑANA 5 minutos: Necesaria!!! - YouTube
Mindfulness MEDITACIÓN de la MAÑANA 15 minutos - YouTube
Mindfulness MEDITACIÓN de la MAÑANA 15 minutos - YouTube
Meditación guiada para hacer por las mañanas de 15 minutos. Realizar una meditación guiada o clase de mindfulness todas las mañanas es uno de los ejercicios más saludables que podemos hacer para nuestro cuerpo, nuestra mente y nuestras emociones... Te servirá para desarrollar tu capacidad de atención plena, concentración, claridad mental, gestión del estrés, ansiedad o nervios, incremento de alegría y bienestar, relajación física, corporal, mental y emocional, gestión de las emociones, etc... ¿Por qué? Por lo general, funcionamos en modo "automático" haciendo y haciendo cosas, la mayoría de las cuales son actos reflejos de nuestras creencias sin prestar atención, de modo que, en muchas ocasiones, reaccionamos de forma poco adecuada ante las circunstancias. Realizar mindfulness es importante, en primer lugar, para ponernos en contacto con nuestro cuerpo, algo que olvidamos con frecuencia, lo cual es maravilloso porque es una forma de cuidar de él, simplemente siendo conscientes y escuchándolo. Por otra parte, trabajamos las emociones de forma que, en primer lugar, nos hacemos conscientes de cómo nos sentimos y qué es lo que sentimos exactamente y, en segundo lugar, nos damos un espacio interior para poder sentir dicha emoción, es decir, nos damos el permiso de sentirla, sea cual sea, tanto si es positiva como si es negativa, aceptando no desde la resignación, sino desde la observación. ¿Qué quiere decir esto? Pues que antes de poder actuar y tomar decisiones, es muy importante darnos el permiso de expresarnos y sentir. El siguiente paso es tratarnos con mimo y cuidado, atendiendo tanto nuestro cuerpo como nuestras emociones igual que atenderíamos a un bebé, es decir, dándonos mensajes compasivos como: "tranquilo, es normal que te sientas así, tienes derecho, esto pasará como todo, etc... En esta meditación trabajaremos: 1. Atención al cuerpo 2. Atención a las emociones 3. Atención a la respiración Gracias de todo corazón por seguir este canal para practicar tus meditaciones!!! Suscríbete al canal para ayudarme a crecer :) GRACIAS! Mi página de Facebook Mi otro Canal Babycuentos Imágenes Edición y montaje del video, voz, texto y música Yo misma :) Todos los derechos reservados y protegidos por las leyes de copyright y tratados internacionales. Nota Importante de Des-responsabilización: Los videos y meditaciones de este canal solo son propuestas en base a mi propia evolución, pero eso no quiere decir que sean las acertadas. Úsalos si te sirven y deséchalos si no te sirven. Es tu responsabilidad utilizar esta información como creas más conveniente. Por último, recuerda que estas meditaciones no constituyen una terapia y que no sustituyen ni excluyen la atención o el tratamiento médico o farmacológico convencional prescrito por profesionales sanitarios.
Mindfulness MEDITACIÓN de la MAÑANA 15 minutos - YouTube
Increase Brain Power, Focus Music, Reduce Anxiety, Binaural and Isochronic Beats - YouTube
Increase Brain Power, Focus Music, Reduce Anxiety, Binaural and Isochronic Beats - YouTube
This is not sleep music. It should be listened to when you are awake. We have used binaural and isochronic tone patterns between 12 and 20 Hz (Alpha - Beta range). You can listen to it with or without headphones or earphones. This music can help you increase concentration, vitality. You can use it against fatigue, it reduces work anxiety. We recommend listening to it during work or study hours for at least an hour and a half to hear the entire frequency pattern. You can download this track with the title “Increase Brain Power” here : Amazon: 7 Digital: or listen to it on: Spotify: YouTube Music: Deezer: Napster: Akazoo: Tidal: To test this track we have used these earphones They have a high audio quality and are very comfortable. Activate notifications so you can stay up to date on the latest news. We publish on Monday and Wednesday. “Music for Body and Spirit” channel includes also: Reiki Music Here you can find the music for your Reiki treatments with bell every 3 minutes, or without bell. Tracks with bell change to every position with melodies and harmonies studied in detail to help the treatment. Meditation and Yoga music For your short or long meditation or yoga sessions, to balance your body and spirit. Here you can find the music suitable for your taste. Meditation Sounds The music in this playlist has as common characteristic the absence of harmonic changes and very delicate melodies, which make these songs ideal for deep meditation. Chakra meditation music with tibetan bowls We have created a new playlist that collects chakra meditation tracks. Special feature of these tracks is that they were composed only with Tibetan bells. The sound is absolutely natural, you will feel them next to you. We suggest you to listen to this track at low volume. Relaxing Music These tracks can be used in any situation: as a background while you are working, in relaxation moments after a stressful day or just when you want. Short meditation and relaxing track Short tracks from 4 to 10 minutes for short meditation or for relaxation. They can be listened in succession to get a long and varied track as desired. Binaural beats This is definitely the most special playlist. Each track is composed for a specific purpose. Sleep music Sleep is very important to a person's health. These compositions are designed to accompany you for the duration of your sleep or just to fall asleep. WE UNDERLINE THAT OUR MUSIC CANNOT CURE A HEALTH CONDITION NOR DOES IT WANT TO REPLACE THE ADVICE OF A DOCTOR OR HEALTH CARE PROVIDER. MOREOVER, NEVER LISTEN TO OUR MUSIC WHILST DRIVING OR OPERATING MACHINERY OF ANY KIND. ℗ 2020 Music for Body and Spirit – Meditation Music All rights reserved. Buy our music: Amazon: iTunes: 7 Digital: Streaming music: Spotify: Deezer: YouTube Music: Napster: Akazoo: Tidal: Find us with the name “Music Body and Spirit” ℗ 2020 Music Body and Spirit All rights reserved. Our site: Follow Music for Body and Spirit social pages: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Pinterest: For business enquiries: #focusmusic #binauralbeats #isochronictones
Increase Brain Power, Focus Music, Reduce Anxiety, Binaural and Isochronic Beats - YouTube
Melodía celestial, descubierta en el manto de la Virgen de Guadalupe - YouTube
Melodía celestial, descubierta en el manto de la Virgen de Guadalupe - YouTube
Esta es la música que se descubrió en el manto y vestido de la virgen de Guadalupe, en las estrellas del manto y en el centro de las flores del vestido de la Virgen. Fernando Ojeda, investigador de la Virgen de Guadalupe, colocó la imagen reducida proporcionalmente en el centro de un rectángulo áureo. Como el manto tiene 46 estrellas trazó líneas verticales: una en el centro de la imagen, 23 partiendo del centro hacia la izquierda y otras 23 del lado derecho de tal manera que le quedaban espacios milimétricamente iguales entre línea y línea. Cada línea o espacio quedaba correspondida con una determinada estrella del manto o centro de flor del vestido, como sus posiciones eran diferentes consideró que cada estrella de acuerdo a su posición y cada centro de flor de acuerdo a su posición era una determinada nota musical. Con base a este modelo matemático contrató a un experto músico quien en forma proporcional colocó encima del rectángulo áureo que cubría la imagen el dibujo de un piano, cuidando poner en el centro el “do” central, de tal manera que el dibujo proporcional del piano proveniente de uno tamaño natural nos señalaba la respectiva nota musical que fue dibujada en un respectivo cuaderno pautado, respetando milimétricamente la posición exacta de las estrellas y de los centros de las flores. Las notas musicales ya expresadas en un cuaderno pautado fueron colocadas en un programa musical de computadora y la sorpresa fue grandiosa al escuchar una bella armonía musical que definitivamente es de sonido celestial. —————————————————————————————— Visita ¡Abrazos de luz! ——————————————————————————————­ Sígueme en: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: ——————————————————————————————
Melodía celestial, descubierta en el manto de la Virgen de Guadalupe - YouTube
Destroy Unconscious Blockages and Negativity, 396hz Solfeggio, Binaural Beats - YouTube
Destroy Unconscious Blockages and Negativity, 396hz Solfeggio, Binaural Beats - YouTube
Do you have negative thoughts and can't get rid of them? Make a proper meditation while listening to this track. To destroy negative thoughts and emotional blockages the frequency of solfeggio 396 hz is an excellent solution. We have added binaural frequencies and Indian Flute gentle melodies that will help you with meditation to loose unsolved problems. Namaste You can buy this track with the title "Destroy Unconscious Blockages and Negativity" here: Amazon 7 Digital or listen to it on Spotify Deezer YouTube Music Napster Akazoo Tidal This track contains binaural frequencies, we recommend the use of earphones or headphones. To test this track we have used these earphones They have a high audio quality and are very comfortable. Activate notifications so you can stay up to date on the latest news. We publish on Monday and Wednesday. “Music for Body and Spirit” channel includes also: Reiki Music Here you can find the music for your Reiki treatments with bell every 3 minutes, or without bell. Tracks with bell change to every position with melodies and harmonies studied in detail to help the treatment. Meditation and Yoga music For your short or long meditation or yoga sessions, to balance your body and spirit. Here you can find the music suitable for your taste. Meditation Sounds The music in this playlist has as common characteristic the absence of harmonic changes and very delicate melodies, which make these songs ideal for deep meditation. Chakra meditation music with tibetan bowls We have created a new playlist that collects chakra meditation tracks. Special feature of these tracks is that they were composed only with Tibetan bells. The sound is absolutely natural, you will feel them next to you. We suggest you to listen to this track at low volume. Relaxing Music These tracks can be used in any situation: as a background while you are working, in relaxation moments after a stressful day or just when you want. Short meditation and relaxing track Short tracks from 4 to 10 minutes for short meditation or for relaxation. They can be listened in succession to get a long and varied track as desired. Binaural beats This is definitely the most special playlist. Each track is composed for a specific purpose. Sleep music Sleep is very important to a person's health. These compositions are designed to accompany you for the duration of your sleep or just to fall asleep. WE UNDERLINE THAT OUR MUSIC CANNOT CURE A HEALTH CONDITION NOR DOES IT WANT TO REPLACE THE ADVICE OF A DOCTOR OR HEALTH CARE PROVIDER. MOREOVER, NEVER LISTEN TO OUR MUSIC WHILST DRIVING OR OPERATING MACHINERY OF ANY KIND. ℗ 2020 Music for Body and Spirit – Meditation Music All rights reserved. Buy our music: Amazon: iTunes: 7 Digital: Streaming music: Spotify: Deezer: YouTube Music: Napster: Akazoo: Tidal: Find us with the name “Music Body and Spirit” ℗ 2020 Music Body and Spirit All rights reserved. Our site: Follow Music for Body and Spirit social pages: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Pinterest: For business enquiries: #solfeggiofrequencies #binauralbeats #reduceanxiety
Destroy Unconscious Blockages and Negativity, 396hz Solfeggio, Binaural Beats - YouTube
Increase Brain Power, Enhance Intelligence, IQ to improve, Binaural Beats, Improve Memory - YouTube
Increase Brain Power, Enhance Intelligence, IQ to improve, Binaural Beats, Improve Memory - YouTube
You can use this track as a background to help you study and improve learning process or to make your work more effective. We used binaural tone patterns between 12 and 20 Hz (Alpha - Beta range). This range frequency is the most dominant during times of high mental activity. Stimulating beta brainwaves can lead to higher levels of concentration, improving learning ability and attention. You can buy this track with the title "Increase Brain Power and Improve Memory" here: Amazon 7 Digital or listen to it on Spotify Deezer YouTube Music Napster Akazoo Tidal This track contains binaural frequencies, we recommend the use of earphones or headphones. To test this track we have used these earphones They have a high audio quality and are very comfortable. Activate notifications so you can stay up to date on the latest news. We publish on Monday and Wednesday. “Music for Body and Spirit” channel includes also: Reiki Music: Here you can find the music for your Reiki treatments with bell every 3 minutes, or without bell. Tracks with bell change to every position with melodies and harmonies studied in detail to help the treatment. Meditation and Yoga music: For your short or long meditation or yoga sessions, to balance your body and spirit. Here you can find the music suitable for your taste. Meditation Sounds The music in this playlist has as common characteristic the absence of harmonic changes and very delicate melodies, which make these songs ideal for deep meditation. Chakra meditation music with tibetan bowls We have created a new playlist that collects chakra meditation tracks. Special feature of these tracks is that they were composed only with Tibetan bells. The sound is absolutely natural, you will feel them next to you. We suggest you to listen to this track at low volume. Relaxing Music: These tracks can be used in any situation: as a background while you are working, in relaxation moments after a stressful day or just when you want. Short meditation and relaxing track: Short tracks from 4 to 10 minutes for short meditation or for relaxation. They can be listened in succession to get a long and varied track as desired. Binaural beats: This is definitely the most special playlist. Each track is composed for a specific purpose. Sleep music: Sleep is very important to a person's health. These compositions are designed to accompany you for the duration of your sleep or just to fall asleep. WE UNDERLINE THAT OUR MUSIC CANNOT CURE A HEALTH CONDITION NOR DOES IT WANT TO REPLACE THE ADVICE OF A DOCTOR OR HEALTH CARE PROVIDER. MOREOVER, NEVER LISTEN TO OUR MUSIC WHILST DRIVING OR OPERATING MACHINERY OF ANY KIND. ℗ 2020 Music for Body and Spirit – Meditation Music All rights reserved. Buy our music: Amazon: 7 Digital: Streaming music: Spotify: Deezer: YouTube Music: Napster: Akazoo: Tidal: Find us with the name “Music Body and Spirit” ℗ 2020 Music Body and Spirit All rights reserved. Our site: Follow Music for Body and Spirit social pages: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Pinterest: For business enquiries:
Increase Brain Power, Enhance Intelligence, IQ to improve, Binaural Beats, Improve Memory - YouTube
when you get a Cathedral to yourself (beautiful acoustics) - YouTube
when you get a Cathedral to yourself (beautiful acoustics) - YouTube
SUBSCRIBE and hit that bell: SUPPORT my videos on Patreon: MERCH: Follow me on: Twitter @missmalindakat Facebook Instagram @missmalindakat Massive thank you to Kevin Eckstrom and Rose Duncan at the Washington National Cathedral! Recorded live in the Chapel of St. Joseph of Arimathea. For fan mail: 3430 Connecticut Ave NW PO Box 11855 Washington DC 20008 **EQUIPMENT** (all links are affiliate links, so if you buy from here you support me too!) AUDIO For singing: For vlogging: A great start mic: Interface: VIDEO Camera: Lens: Vlog camera: I use Logic and Final Cut Pro to edit audio and video respectively :) THANK YOU PATRONS!! Richard Aukema Fredrik Boström Will Cole Whitney Dodson Fr. Joe Fessenden Mariah Fyock-Williams Mimi Ginsburg Marlo Delfin Gonzales Pippa Hillebrand Jonathan Isip Rachele McKelly Allex Molloy Courtney-Ashley R.C Kelsey Sanders Ben Shaub Chewy Shaw Lyndsie Stearns Mary Hall Surface Kris Vasicek Dylan Wakser
when you get a Cathedral to yourself (beautiful acoustics) - YouTube
Elves' Mix- 15 Min De La Mejor Música Élfica- 15 Min Of The Best Elf Music - YouTube
Elves' Mix- 15 Min De La Mejor Música Élfica- 15 Min Of The Best Elf Music - YouTube
Aquí os dejo un mix de música de ESDLA de la mejor música élfica. Espero que os guste y aquí abajo os dejo la playlist: Flight To The Ford 00:00-1:15 The Ride Of The Rohirrim 1:16-1:52 Twilight And Shadow (& Renée Fleming) 1:53-2:40 The Leave Taking 2:41-3:22 Many Meetings 3:23-4:16 The Council Of Elrond 4:17-5:50 Breath Of Life 5:51-8:08 The Return Of The King (& Sir James Galway, Viggo Mortensen And Renee Fleming) 8:09-9:48 May It Be (& Enya) 9:49-13:13 The Grey Havens (& James Galway) 13:14-15:15 Donaciones voluntarias :3 (que agradezco mucho) que me recompensa ese esfuerzo constante en el canal; ya que los vídeo no están monetizados y los anuncios son ingresos para las empresas cuya música he utilizado en este vídeo: Volunteer donations :3 (that I express thanks a lot to you) that reward my continuous work in the channel; since the videos aren't being monetised and the advertisements are deposits for the enterprises whose music I have used in this video:
Elves' Mix- 15 Min De La Mejor Música Élfica- 15 Min Of The Best Elf Music - YouTube
Angelic Sleep Music 528 Hz, Music for Sleeping, Helping you to sleep & Heal, With Affirmations - YouTube
Angelic Sleep Music 528 Hz, Music for Sleeping, Helping you to sleep & Heal, With Affirmations - YouTube
For some of the best-guided sleep meditations and sleep meditation music, please click here to subscribe to our channel: iTunes MP3 download available here now: #meditationmusic #newage #sleepmeditationmusic © JASON STEPHENSON & RELAX ME ONLINE AUSTRALIA PTY LTD Copyright 2018 All rights reserved. This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help. DO NOT DRIVE OR OPERATE MACHINERY WHILST LISTENING TO SLEEP MEDITATION MUSIC, BINAURAL BEATS OR GUIDED SLEEP RELAXATIONS.
Angelic Sleep Music 528 Hz, Music for Sleeping, Helping you to sleep & Heal, With Affirmations - YouTube
Empezando por la frecuencia 174Hz va subiendo hasta llegar a la frecuencia 963Hz para volver a bajar progresivamente. Mediante las frecuencias sonoras contenidas en la música podemos modificar el funcionamiento de un ser vivo, dicho de otra forma, sanar y mejorar el cuerpo humano. Los antiguos pueblos y civilizaciones conocían el poder de la música y el sonido, sin embargo, alguien se ha ocupado de enterrar y ocultar este poderoso conocimiento cambiando la frecuencia de la música desde los 432 hz originales a los actuales 440 hz, descubramos cuándo y por qué y recuperemos la música para la salud y la conciencia humana. Como elemento integrante de nuestro Universo, el cuerpo humano está compuesto por células, las cuales a su vez se componen de átomos, estos átomos interactuan y operan en base a la energía recibida, lo cual incluye la energía producida por las ondas sonoras. Los 432 hertzios sonoros oscilan y vibran sobre los principios de la propagación de ondas armónicas naturales y se unifican con las propiedades de la luz, el espacio, la materia, la gravedad y el electromagnetismo. El Sol, Saturno, la Luna y la Tierra exhiben proporciones matemáticas del número 432. Un concierto en frecuencia 432 hz puede tener profundos efectos positivos sobre nuestra conciencia y sobre nuestro cuerpo celular. Resintonizando los instrumentos musicales a 432 hz en lugar de los actuales 440 podemos sentir la diferencia de conectar la conciencia a la resonancia natural. La ciencia ha comenzado a re-descubrir los secretos de la resonancia y su impacto en nuestra salud. Como seres de conciencia, dependemos de la resonancia natural de atraer lo que deseamos para alcanzar el amor, la felicidad, el desarrollo personal, salud y abundancia. Dado que no estamos separados de las vibraciones que son interdependientes en la resonancia positiva para mantener y regular nuestro estado de ánimo y la salud para lograr estos objetivos. Lo mantuvieron en secreto mucho tiempo, pero ya se les escapó. BENEFICIOS: La música en 432 hz transmuta y sana el alma, mente y cuerpo. El corazón humano (ritmo cardíaco) La doble hélice de ADN (frecuencia de replicación) La función cerebral máxima – sincronización bihemisférica (dos hemisferios del cerebro) El pulso cardíaco fundamental del planeta (resonancia fundamental de la cavidad Schumann) La geometría musical de la creación. Visita mi canal:
Sonido 432 Hz Armonía Universal, Transmuta y Sana el Alma, Mente y Cuerpo (Una Vida Plena) - YouTube
Sonido 432 Hz Armonía Universal, Transmuta y Sana el Alma, Mente y Cuerpo (Una Vida Plena) - YouTube
Mediante las frecuencias sonoras contenidas en la música podemos modificar el funcionamiento de un ser vivo, dicho de otra forma, sanar y mejorar el cuerpo . Mediante las frecuencias sonoras contenidas en la música podemos modificar el funcionamiento de un ser vivo, dicho de otra forma, sanar y mejorar el cuerpo . 200 nevezés, több mint 40 feltöltött videó és egy izgalmas táncos pályázat után véget ért a Lenor Selymes Ruhaság játék, melynek fődíjait a zsűri által . Alma feat. French Montana Phases is out now: Keep up with ALMA: snapchat .
Sonido 432 Hz Armonía Universal, Transmuta y Sana el Alma, Mente y Cuerpo (Una Vida Plena) - YouTube
Morning Flute | Sweet and Mind Relaxing | Brain meditation | Instrumental Music Meditation - YouTube
Morning Flute | Sweet and Mind Relaxing | Brain meditation | Instrumental Music Meditation - YouTube
Indian Instrument Flute is one of the most popular oral instrument in the world . flute is played by Lord Krishna thousand years ago. flute .flute is a refreshing morning sound it will relax your senses & give your day a rejuvenating new start .listen this soothing sound to calm your senses. Flutes are the earliest extant musical instruments, as paleolithic instruments with hand-bored holes have been found. a musician who plays any instrument in the flute family can be called a flutist . flute is the oldest and amazing instrument and it was loved and played by Hindu God lord krishna himself. the music of flute gives brain a very relaxing and pleasing effect. this music is a great motivation to remove stress, negativity and tiredness . सुरीला बासुरी वादन जरूर सुने| ( मायेंड & सोल ) सबस्क्र्येब करें धन्यवाद्| Dear listener … Take a few moments out of your busy day for happiness ,relaxation and or meditation, sit or lie in a relaxing position and let these calming Nature sounds, instrumentals, vocals, scenes and images to melt away your stress and tension. It is a good idea to take some time away from your normal hectic schedule and relax your brain and body. As you listen to these soothing sounds breath in a relaxed manner, feel positive energy travel throughout your mind and body. Our videos soothing nature sounds of this forest scene relax and calm you. This meditation will rejuvenate yourself and get help to replenish your Positive energy to clear the rest of your upcoming day. Relax your mind and body during this background calming instrumental composition. Use it for Yoga, spa, fitness sessions, meditation, sleep, massage and study in background. Calm music are benefited to work strengthen and calm mind, it always gives you positive energy and plus feel attitude .please switch over to Mind & Soul energy booster and meditation music channel on you tube Yoga concentration, healing Relaxation music therapy for mind meditation, one hour music subscribe Min & soul musical channel MIND & SOUL: A Music channel for Soothing tracks, Yoga Music, vedic tradional compositions, Happy Motivating music, traditional Indian instrumental , spiritual trans tracks, Rain & jazz, Mind control therapy Music, flute, Guitar, Harmonica, benzoin, Violin, Santoor, tanpura and other Indian Instrumental music, Mind Spa Music, positive energy music, Early morning Music, Spiritual Mantras, Divine Music, Wellness Music, office Music, Pleasure Music, Romantic music, Gym background , healthful compositions, orchestra and other tradition Indian music & natural sound effects. Listen free for meditation and sound therapy. just log in Mind & soul you-tube channel and listen our best sounds of the world for you happy feeling. Listen nonstop relaxation natural refine music for better health results and mind relaxation, this refreshing music will gives you healing , brain positive wives and body relaxation इंसान की जिंदगी से संगीत का रिश्ता हमेशा से अटूट रहा है। ऐसे में अगर आप जीवनभर तनाव से दूर और खुशहाल रहना चाहते हैं तो जितनी जल्दी हो सके संगीत से रिश्ता कायम कर लीजिए। कहने का मतलब अगर आप संगीत सुनना पसंद करते हैं, मतलब आप हमेशा खुश रहना चाहते हैं तो हमारे चेनल माइंड और सोल पर बने रहे हमारे चैनल की खूबी भी यही है कि जब चाहें, जैसा चाहें वैसा ही मूड वाला संगीत सुने और फिर अपना मूड अच्छा कर ले , मेडिटेशन ,रिलैक्स,शान्ति,पोसीटीव एनर्जी ,कुदरती ध्वनि और वातावरण को खुशाल बनाने वाला संगीत अलग अलग प्लेलिस्ट में मोजूद है | जानकारों की मानें तो संगीत सुनने से रोगों से लड़ने की क्षमता (Immune System) में इजाफा होता है। नियमित संगीत सुनने दिमागी सुकून तो मिलता ही है, साथ ही ब्रेन फंक्शन भी बेहतर होता है। इससे हमारी सर्जनात्मक क्षमता भी बढ़ती है। यह संगीत सुनिए और धयं कीजिए आपको अच्छी नींद ( निंद्रा ) आएगी , नींद के लिए गोली या दवा न लें मात्र संगीत सुनने से ही आएगी आपको बहुत ही आरामदायक नींद । बहुत ही असरदार संगीत तुरंत सकारात्मक असर देगा माइन्ड & सोल संगीत चेननल को सबसक्रिब करना न भूलें | #please like share subscribe MIND AND SOUL you tube Channel #fluteinstrumental #fluteplay #morningmelodiousflute
Morning Flute | Sweet and Mind Relaxing | Brain meditation | Instrumental Music Meditation - YouTube
Super Intelligence: Memory Music, Improve Memory and Concentration - Binaural Beats Focus Music - YouTube
Super Intelligence: Memory Music, Improve Memory and Concentration - Binaural Beats Focus Music - YouTube
Super Intelligence: Memory Music, Improve Memory and Concentration - Binaural Beats Focus Music. Link to this track: Greenred Productions meditation music with binaural beats (brainwave music) can work as sleep music, studying music, relaxing music and many more. Relaxation music can also be used as Spa music and Massage music. Here you can find powerful self-help hypnosis including healing music, Zen music and yoga music. Some sessions are produced for your inner transformation: to overcome fear, elevate your mood and energy levels, and lose weight faster. Meditation music recordings also include reiki music, Zen meditation music and deep trance hypnosis sessions. We compose instrumental and electronic music that is specially designed to enhance brain function and concentration, spa and massage therapy, and healing music therapy. For this reason, we use binaural beats. There are many types of beats for different daily meditation purposes: Delta Waves – Sleep Music / NREM sleep, Alpha Waves are neural oscillations, Theta Waves (Cortical theta rhythm and Hippocampal theta rhythm). Beta waves associated with muscle contractions in isotonic movements, Gamma waves can help to release serotonin, endorphin and dopamine, so it works as happiness music for depression treatment. * Sleep Music – Insomnia Music: Greenred Productions deep sleep music sessions have been specifically created to relax mind and body physically and mentally. Brainwave sessions are suitable for everyone including babies, children, and adults. Sleep hypnosis is based on beautifully slow, soft, soothing music to help you to fall asleep within minutes, naturally and without the aid of medication. These sleep meditation sessions will put you into relaxing healing sleep and will train your mind to fall asleep effortlessly. Relaxing sounds of nature combined with soothing music offers you a peaceful sleep. Would you like to learn to control your dreams, overcome nightmares? Lucid dream meditation sessions will help you to get into a deep state of relaxation and have a more pleasant sleep. Say no to sleep insomnia! Lucid Dreaming and Astral Travel music episodes are the most popular. * Study Music and Focus Music: Study Music & Concentration Music is brainwave background music to help you to study, focus, and concentrate on learning process and work more effectively. Alpha Waves help your mind to get to the state of focus, which is perfect for studying or preparing for exam or test you have at school or university. It also maintains your alertness while studying. Superintelligence beta waves will help to concentrate for tasks, enhance intelligence. * Healing Frequencies and Healing Music: Our composed relaxing music works very well for Deepak Chopra meditations, Zen meditation techniques, Buddhist meditation chants and Mindfulness meditation techniques. Healing meditation is influenced by Indian meditation music and Japanese meditation music. Healing frequencies can help opening the Third Eye, cleansing the Chakra, and improve Transcendental meditation skills. Our binaural beats meditation helps to heal long-standing physical ailments naturally. Choose to heal both physically and emotionally. * Spa Music and Massage Music: The spa music is usually combined of nature sounds, rain sounds, acoustic piano, and some easy listening instruments. Ultimate relaxation music is great for massage therapy. Increase your feelings of empowerment and creativity. * Reiki Music & Zen Music: Reiki Music and Zen Music by Greenred Productions is a perfect choice for Reiki healing sessions and going into a deep state of Zen. Powerful Reiki vibrations are an alternative medicine technique. Our brainwave entrainment music also includes Isochronic Tones for Cognition and Stress Management. * Yoga Music: Here you will find yoga audio for beginners, yoga exercises, and yoga chants with relaxing music helping you to go into a deep kundalini yoga trance. * Chakra Meditation Music: We also offer balancing and healing sessions for all the chakras including Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Crown Chakra and Third Eye Chakra. Our Channel: SUBSCRIBE! WE UPLOAD NEW VIDEOS REGULARLY: - LET'S CONNECT! - Google+ - FACEBOOK - Twitter Super Intelligence: Memory Music, Improve Memory and Concentration - Binaural Beats Focus Music
Super Intelligence: Memory Music, Improve Memory and Concentration - Binaural Beats Focus Music - YouTube
OM Chanting @417 Hz | Removes All Negative Blocks - YouTube
OM Chanting @417 Hz | Removes All Negative Blocks - YouTube
OM Mantra Chanting at 417Hz. OM is the Primordial Sound of the Universe. Its the sound that reverberates in the entire cosmos and in every cell of our body, and 417Hz is amazingly beautiful frequency that acts as a cleansing agent for our body, removing negativity, negative blocks and toxicity from our body and mind. And when we combine both of these - it gives rise to an astoundingly powerful effect, of removing all the negative emotions and let the positivity of OM takes it place. It becomes a powerful meditation tool. We recommend that you use this for atleast 30 mins a day, and meditate along with it. You may chant OM along with the track or simply let it play in the background as you meditate and focus on your breathing in and out. Simple but a very effective technique. Hope this track will help you. Blessings and Peace all the Way. ........ INFO on OM MANTRA ........ INFO on Mantras & How to do Mantra Meditation ........ INFO on 417Hz Solfeggio Frequency ................ YOU MAY Also Like OM Chanting @528Hz ❯ 417Hz ❯ ................. PLAYLIST of Incredible Mantras for Meditation .................... SUBSCRIBE and JOIN the Meditative community of 350000+ Minds : .................... ¸¸.•*¨*•♫ OUR ALBUMS & SINGLES are now available on SALE iTunes CDBaby .......................... ♡ THANK YOU FROM BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS ♡ Everyone at Meditative Mind would like to Thank all you Beautiful Souls, who support us by listening to our meditations and healing music, giving us their feedback, sending us their love and blessings and buy our meditations, solfeggio music, chakra chants and healing music. This all helps us to continue on our journey, on our mission. MISSION to bring more peace and mindfulness in people's lives through Music, Meditation and Chants. Mission to improve the Well-being of our planet earth. And you make this journey more beautiful for us, everyday, by joining in these sessions. Thank You All from the bottom of our Hearts. ❮ Infinite Love and Gratitude ❯ Copyright ⓒ 2017 Meditative Mind™. All Rights Reserved.
OM Chanting @417 Hz | Removes All Negative Blocks - YouTube
Tibetan Meditation Music, Soothing Music, Relaxing Music Meditation, Binaural Beats, ☯3186 - YouTube
Tibetan Meditation Music, Soothing Music, Relaxing Music Meditation, Binaural Beats, ☯3186 - YouTube
Get the new Yellow Brick Cinema iOS app for a 7-day FREE trial: Tibetan Meditation Music, Soothing Music, Relaxing Music Meditation, Binaural Beats, ☯3186 - Does the sound of healing Tibetan music and Tibetan Flute music for chakra re-alignment appeal to you? Yellow Brick Cinema’s Tibetan music, Shamanic music and flute music, enhanced with flute, is Zen music that provides soothing music for meditation and chakra meditation. Both Tibetan music and Shamanic music use continuous sounds and the flute to create healing music, spa music, stress relief music, study music, peaceful music, relaxing music, and yoga music. It is perfect relaxing music to achieve a state of Zen during quarantine. Our Tibetan flute music, which incorporates flute music, and occasionally the sound of Tibetan singing bowls, is powerful Himalayan music which can be used as sleep music and to help you relax and sleep. This calming music is Zen music and can also be used for chakra balancing or to open your chakra to help you achieve mindfulness. It is also perfect as soothing music, spa music, healing music, study music, stress relief music, calm music, yoga music for yoga, for meditation and chakra meditation, or simply as relaxation music or to sleep. Tibetan flute music, Zen music and Tibetan singing bowls offer powerful meditation music to those wanting to broaden their meditation experience or to use as healing chakra meditation to balance their chakra. Tibetan meditation music, Shamanic music and Zen meditation music assists with stress relief during quarantine, produces positive energy, promotes mindfulness and healing and helps to achieve ultimate Zen. Yellow Brick Cinema’s soothing music can also be used as sleep music as it is calm music that is perfect relaxation music and ambient music. This calm music can be used in a spa as spa music. You can even create your own home spa experience by using our peaceful music as relaxation music and stress relief music. Some people use our Tibetan meditation music to study as this music is perfect ambient music to help you study. Flute music makes ideal study music as it is calming music. Our flute music and Tibetan music can be used as healing music or for yoga, spa, stress relief, mindfulness, sleep or simply to relax and enjoy. Listening to this Tibetan flute music means enjoying the soothing sounds of calming music– the music allows you to relax in the same way as guided meditation. The relaxing music of the flute provides peaceful music with which to switch off, relax and de-stress. Yellow Brick Cinema’s Tibetan meditation music videos provide calming music to promote inner peace. Use our music for meditation as ambient music to bring soothing relaxation to your body-mind. Our instrumental music is deep healing music releasing positive energy and clearing subconscious negativity and therefore is ideal yoga music. When you need music for insomnia, our relaxing sleep music with its ambient, soothing sounds, will help you fall asleep. This soft, sleep meditation music with its embedded delta waves, is essential deep sleep music. So, you can choose to use our beautiful music as meditation music, relaxation music, music for sleep, healing music or yoga music. Yellow Brick Cinema’s relaxation music is peaceful music that can be used for soothing relaxation or as study music. Use this relaxing music and let the healing music bring soothing stress relief. Our healing meditation music, with its 528hz miracle tone, can support you on your journey to inner peace and aid your meditation practice. Yellow Brick Cinema’s yoga music for meditation can be combined with your yoga practice to facilitate healing, relaxation and focus. This calming instrumental music is positive energy music, making poses feel effortless. Be sure to visit and subscribe to Yellow Brick Cinema to enjoy our full selection of relaxing music. SUBSCRIBE: To listen to Yellow Brick Cinema’s music offline, buy our music on iTunes: Join us on Social Media: - Visit our website: - Instagram: - Facebook: To listen to our other relaxing music, check out the playlists on our homepage: Thanks for tuning in to our Tibetan meditation music! Introduce yourself to the Yellow Brick Cinema community in the comments section and let us know where in the world you’re listening from. Enjoy! Love, Margie. #tibetanmusic #tibetanflutemusic #healingmusic #meditationmusic #relaxingmusic
Tibetan Meditation Music, Soothing Music, Relaxing Music Meditation, Binaural Beats, ☯3186 - YouTube
Heavy Thunderstorm Sounds | Relaxing Rain, Thunder & Lightning Ambience for Sleep | HD Nature Video - YouTube
Heavy Thunderstorm Sounds | Relaxing Rain, Thunder & Lightning Ambience for Sleep | HD Nature Video - YouTube
Heavy thunderstorm sounds, relaxing pouring rain & lightning video for sleep. Allow this calming storm sounds nature video to create a soothing ambience for relaxation in your home. This natural cracking thunder and lightning HD rain video will help relax and calm your mind and body so that you can fall into a deep and blissful night's sleep. Sounds of nature are associated with lower stress and anxiety levels which can help your body to rest, heal, and rejuvenate. We believe that thunder and lightning rainstorms are one of nature's most beautiful creations. Let the ambient sounds of this heavy thunderstorm and rain video wash over you and help you fall asleep. This storm video also provides great background sounds for meditation, study, reiki, and day spas. We really hope you enjoy this relaxing thunder and rain sounds HD nature video for sleep and relaxing. If you enjoy rain, thunder and lightning nature sounds then please share with your friends and family! Stardust Vibes create guided meditations, affirmations, relaxing sounds, and meditation music. 😊Sean, Elita, & Charlotte 🛑 IMPORTANT PLEASE READ 🛑 We are a mental health based channel, we cannot add commentary throughout our relaxing music/nature videos as it would detract from the relaxation experience, but we do have affirmations & guided meditations available. Our channel helps provide relief from stress & anxiety. 🎥 Our videos are currently filmed with a GoPro Hero7 & iPhoneX. We edit, mix, and master the audio in Protools & create the video in Premiere Pro. In the past, we sometimes collaborated with other video creators (with legal permission), which we would significantly transform into something new and add our own unique music and sounds. 🎶 We create all our own music with our own instruments. My Mother (Elita) and I are both musicians and have played for many years. ➡️ For more information on how we create our videos please watch: 🌀 MP3 DOWNLOADS: 🌀 SLEEP HELP: 🌀 FACEBOOK: 🌀 INSTAGRAM: 🌀 TWITTER: 🌀 YOUTUBE SUBSCRIBE: 🌀 THIS VIDEO: #thunderstorm #rain #thunder © Stardust Vibes, 2020. All rights reserved. Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.
Heavy Thunderstorm Sounds | Relaxing Rain, Thunder & Lightning Ambience for Sleep | HD Nature Video - YouTube
432 Hz Celestial Angel Music ➤ Raise Your Vibration - 528 Hz Positive Energy Frequency Healing - YouTube
432 Hz Celestial Angel Music ➤ Raise Your Vibration - 528 Hz Positive Energy Frequency Healing - YouTube
Listening to 432Hz music resonates inside our body, releases emotional blockages and expands our consciousness. 432Hz allows us to tune into the wisdom of the Universe, Divine Intelligence and our Soul. It creates Unity instead of separation. It expands our hearts and make us more compassionate and loving. One thing is for sure. A person who resonates with love have inner peace – and this is the starting point for a world were we live in Unity, Peace and Harmony with each-other and Mother Earth. ➤ DOWNLOAD: Modern science has begun to recognize what the ancient mystics and wise men have told us for centuries; that everything is in a constant state of vibration. Everything down to the smallest physical particle to the things we cannot not perceive with our (yet) limited senses. The most elemental state of vibration is that of sound. Everything has an optimum range of vibration (frequency), and that rate is called resonance. When we are in resonance, we are in balance. Every organ and every cell in our precious body absorbs and emits sound with particular optimum resonate frequency. 432hz and 528hz tuned music creates resonance in our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body. Solfeggio 528 Hz - According to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, 528 Hertz is a frequency that is central to the “musical mathematical matrix of creation.” More than any sound previously discovered, the “LOVE frequency” resonates at the heart of everything. It connects your heart, your spiritual essence, to the spiraling reality of heaven and earth. Used to return human DNA to its original, perfect state. increased amount of life energy, clarity of mind, awareness, awakened or activated creativity, ecstatic states like deep inner peace, dance and celebration. Tone 'Mi' activates your imagination, intention and intuition to operate for your highest and best purpose. ............................... FAQ - HOW TO USE SOLFEGGIO FREQUENCIES : WHAT ARE THE SOLFEGGIO FREQUENCIES: HOW TO DO GUIDED MEDITATION: HOW TO USE AFFIRMATIONS: WHAT ARE AFFIRMATIONS: WHAT IS HYPNOSIS & HOW TO USE IT: INFO ON BINAURAL BEATS: INFO ON 432HZ MUSIC: INFO ON 528HZ MUSIC: ……………………. OUR SINGLES & ALBUMS FOR SALE ITUNES ► AMAZON ► LOUDR ► YOUTUBE AUDIOS ► We are forever grateful to everyone that supports us just by tuning in to our channel, and for all you who buy our meditations, solfeggios and music! You make it POSSIBLE for us to continue our life purpose! From our hearts we Thank You! …………………… ZENLIFERELAX / POWERTHOUGHTS MEDITATION CLUB We are very proud of our hard work and commitment to create HIGH quality Guided Meditations, Affirmation audios, Hypnosis sessions, Solfeggios and Relaxing Music. We put our Heart and Soul into every video we create with the intention to create something valuable for YOU, so you can walk the path of life feeling much more positive, conscious and empowered. Our a grand mission and lifepurpose to raise the energy vibration of our planet and to make this world a more Loving - Peaceful and Joyful place for ALL life. To help and inspire YOU and the other millions of people listening to our audios to awaken to that awesome POWER we have within us. Prepare to open up the gates and let the pure lifeforce from YOUR HIGHER SELF flow through you NOW. Enjoy your journey. For Your Freedom, Love and Joy, Alexander & Kenneth ………………………
432 Hz Celestial Angel Music ➤ Raise Your Vibration - 528 Hz Positive Energy Frequency Healing - YouTube
Music Of Cathedrals and Forgotten Temples | 1-Hour Atmospheric Choir Mix - YouTube
Music Of Cathedrals and Forgotten Temples | 1-Hour Atmospheric Choir Mix - YouTube
The Best Choral Orchestral Pieces of Cathedrals and Forgotten Temples! Tracklist: 0:00 Jeremy Soule – Peace of Akatosh (The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion Soundtrack) 4:09 Catholic Renaissance Hymns – Adoremus in Aeternum 6:42 Hans Zimmer – Aurora 15:17 Mozart – Requiem: Lacrimosa 18:26 Howard Shore – Evenstar (The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Soundtrack) 21:41 Gregorian Chant – Da Pacem Domine 26:15 Mychael Danna – Tsimtsum (Life of Pi Soundtrack) 29:05 Pergolesi – Stabat Mater: Dolorosa 33:48 Samuel Barber – Agnus Dei 41:44 Catholic Hymns – Pange Lingua Gloriosi 48:08 Erik Satie – Gymnopedie No. 1 (for Soprano) 51:47 Gregorian Chant – Dies Irae 54:53 Jeremy Soule – From Past to Present (The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim Soundtrack) 59:58 Howard Shore – Twilight and Shadow (the Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Soundtrack) 1:03:28 Gabriel Faure – Pie Jesu 1:06:56 Gregorian Chant – Te Deum Image: ---------------------------------------- ✖ NOTE: I do not claim to own or have rights to any music or pictures used in this video. All music and pictures belong to their respectful owners. Please support artists by purchasing their music. ---------------------------------------- ✖ Follow me on facebook: ---------------------------------------- ✖ If you like this type of Music and you want to help the channel grow, using the Like and Share buttons is a great way to do it. Thank you very much for watching! ---------------------------------------- ✖ Subscribe to my Electronic Music channel: ✖ Note: If you have any question or problem with the music or pictures used in my videos, please contact me via facebook or Email: ✖ Request to remove a video or picture ✖ Add any kind of information which belongs to the video I've uploaded (Illustrator, Composer) ✖ etc.
Music Of Cathedrals and Forgotten Temples | 1-Hour Atmospheric Choir Mix - YouTube
Música para dormir rápido EN MENOS DE 5 MINUTOS - YouTube
Música para dormir rápido EN MENOS DE 5 MINUTOS - YouTube
Musica para dormir tranquila y relajante, para descansar la mente y dormir profundamente. Esta musicoterapia para dormir en 5 minutos está compuesta con ondas delta, las cuales ayudan a mantener el sueño profundo, así podemos tener un sueño placentero y reparador. Este video contiene una relajante musica para dormir rapido que es perfecta para combatir la ansiedad, el insomnio y el estrés ya que facilita la relajación y el sueño. Quédate en posición para dormir y sólo escuchar este sonido relajante durante 5 a 40 minutos... ¡Ya somos más de 1.000.000! 🔔 ¡Suscribete a illusioterapia para que seamos 1.000.000 + Vos! ¡También mirá estos videos! 🌟 Musica para Dormir - 🌟 Storytelling para Dormir - 🌟 Música para Calmar tus Preocupaciones - ------------- Tenemos Facebook: Tenemos Instagram: ------------- Música: Garden Music - Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Música para dormir rápido EN MENOS DE 5 MINUTOS - YouTube
Litaniae Sanctorum (letanías de los santos) - Canto Gregoriano - YouTube
Litaniae Sanctorum (letanías de los santos) - Canto Gregoriano - YouTube
Hola queridos hermanos, hoy les traigo las letanías de los santos, no se olviden de suscribirse, poner me gusta y compartirlo, gracias, saludos y bendiciones... Redes sociales: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: GRUPO DE INTERACCIÓN POR FACEBOOK: REALICE SU DONATIVO PARA SEGUIR EXPANDIENDO LA FE Y LA TRADICIÓN CATÓLICA, Se lo agradecería muchísimo: Vía Paypal: Vía MercadoPago: $100ARS (Cien Pesos Argentinos): $200ARS (Doscientos Pesos Argentinos):
Litaniae Sanctorum (letanías de los santos) - Canto Gregoriano - YouTube
Mantra OM 528 hz - Música Tibetana de Meditación y Relajación - Sanación Interior - YouTube
Mantra OM 528 hz - Música Tibetana de Meditación y Relajación - Sanación Interior - YouTube
Música de meditación para la sanación interior con el Mantra OM. La mejor musica tibetana para sanar cuerpo, mente y alma. Musica Mantra Om para meditar. Descarga nuestra Nueva APP Gratis: Android: iOS: Descubre "Las 5 claves para aprender a meditar" con este ebook que hemos preparado para ti completamente GRATIS: Descargar Mantra OM: Listen Full Quality: ★Significado del Mantra OM y sus beneficios Extendida es la teoría, sobre todo en la cultura hinduista, la cual dice que el universo resultó de una vibración cósmica originaria procedente del más profundo de los silencios. El primer OM. El más poderoso de los mantras. Beneficios del Mantra OM Multitud de estudios demuestran que el canto del OM tiene un poderoso efecto directo tanto sobre la glándula pineal, responsable de la producción de la melatonina (hormona de la juventud), así como, sobre la glándula pituitaria, encargada de segregar las hormonas reguladoras de la homeostasis. Esta vibración tiene un gran poder tanto a nivel mental como a nivel corporal. Nos purifica y nos limpia todas nuestras “koshas” o capas del cuerpo, desde la más burda y externa (annamayakosha o cuerpo físico ) hasta la más sutil de ellas (anandamayakosha o cuerpo causal ) Nos afecta tanto a nivel físico, psíquico y emocional. ★Música para: Relajación y Meditación. Meditaciones guiadas. Relajaciones para dormir. Calmar y controlar la ansiedad. Conciliar el sueño y dormir mejor. Estudiar. Sesiones de yoga, reiki, spa, masajes.. Realizar tareas. Bienestar. ★Suscríbete para estar al día de todas nuestras publicaciones: ►Sitios de Interes: ►►¿Que puedes encontrar en nuestro canal? - En nuestro canal podrás encontrar música relajante para: dormir, meditación, yoga, zen, spa, masajes, estudiar y concentrarse... Para mejorar la relajación y la concentración nuestra música cuenta con ondas cerebrales como: ondas alfa, ondas beta, ondas delta y ondas theta. También podrás trasladarte a otras culturas, ya que contamos con música chamánica, música india, música china, música tibetana con cuencos tibetanos,.... No olvides suscribirte para estar al día de nuevas publicaciones. Copyright © Musicoterapia (Om Mantra)
Mantra OM 528 hz - Música Tibetana de Meditación y Relajación - Sanación Interior - YouTube
Salve Regina (en latín) - canto gregoriano (traducido) - YouTube
Salve Regina (en latín) - canto gregoriano (traducido) - YouTube
No se olviden de SUSCRIBIRSE Y DIFUNDIR! Redes sociales: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: GRUPO DE INTERACCIÓN POR FACEBOOK: REALICE SU DONATIVO PARA SEGUIR EXPANDIENDO LA FE Y LA TRADICIÓN CATÓLICA, Se lo agradecería muchísimo: Vía Paypal: Vía MercadoPago: $100ARS (Cien Pesos Argentinos): $200ARS (Doscientos Pesos Argentinos): #SalveRegina #CantosGregorianos #Iglesia
Salve Regina (en latín) - canto gregoriano (traducido) - YouTube
Erik SATIE - Gymnopedies 1, 2, 3 (60 min) - YouTube
Erik SATIE - Gymnopedies 1, 2, 3 (60 min) - YouTube
The Gymnopédies, published in Paris starting in 1888, are three piano compositions written by French composer and pianist Erik Satie. Soundtrack : -- At First Sight -- Corrina, Corrina (1994, Jessie Nelson) -- My Dinner With André (1981, Louis Malle) -- The Royal Tenenbaums -- Valentine's Day -- What Lies Beneath -- Mr Nobody (2009, Jaco Van Dormael) -- An Other Woman (1988, Woody Allen) The three Gymnopédies are part of the soundtrack for the anime feature film The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya. An interpolation of Gymnopédie No. 1 is looped throughout the chorus of Janet Jackson's song "Someone to Call My Lover". Gymnopédie No. 1 is played near the end of the 2015 film Love by Gaspar Noe. A remixed version of Gymnopédie No. 1 composed by Masafumi Takada is part of the soundtrack for the Grasshopper Manufacture 2001 video game Flower, Sun, and Rain. An adaptation of Gymnopédie No. 1 to the Game Boy Advance's hardware by Shogo Sakai is used as background music in the 2006 Japanese video game Mother 3 under the title "Leder's Gymnopédie". A version of Gymnopédie No. 1 plays in the JRPG Persona 2, when the player visits the 'Velvet Room' and stays there until after the Velvet Room's main theme finishes. Gymnopédie No. 1 is played by Gerry (Ben Mendelsohn) in the 2015 film, Mississippi Grind. Gymnopedies 1, 2, 3 Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Erik SATIE - Gymnopedies 1, 2, 3 (60 min) - YouTube
Vozes da Tranquilidade [Canto Gregoriano] - Voices of Tranquility Gregorian Chants #CD1 - YouTube
Vozes da Tranquilidade [Canto Gregoriano] - Voices of Tranquility Gregorian Chants #CD1 - YouTube
Compre produtos no link abaixo e ajude o canal: CD #1 Mediolanensis Gregorian School, Italy Gian Nicola Vess, organ Giovanni VIANINI, conductor MISSA CUM JUBILO 00:00 Kyrie 02:22 Gloria VII 05:59 Sanctus V 07:50 Agnus Dei V MISSA ORBIS FACTOR 09:26 Kyrie I 11:15 Gloria II 14:48 Credo I 19:31 Sanctus II 21:28 Agnus Dei I 22:53 Da Pacem Domine III 24:36 Justus et Palma Florebit II 27:26 Ad Te Levavi VIII 30:51 Populus Sion VII MISSA DE ANGELIS 33:41 Kyrie I 35:50 Gloria VII 39:05 Credo V 43:52 Sanctus V 46:02 Agnus Dei V 47:44 Gaudete in Domino I 51:24 Sitientes Venite ad Aquas II 53:45 Narrabo Omnia Mirabilia I 56:05 Gloria IV 58:49 Salve Regina I 1:01:26 Ave Maria I 1:02:31 Florete Flores I 1:05:25 Aqua Sapientiae VIII
Vozes da Tranquilidade [Canto Gregoriano] - Voices of Tranquility Gregorian Chants #CD1 - YouTube
Most beautiful soundtrack sung by Angelic soprano in Angelic Language - YouTube
Most beautiful soundtrack sung by Angelic soprano in Angelic Language - YouTube
PRE-ORDER NEW ALBUM CRYSTAL VOICE: CROWDFUNDING FOR NEW ALBUM: Download your free song Angèlia Grace is a visionary soprano. This video is one of her many soundtrack covers. The track is called Never Let Me Go which is composed by Rachel Portman. Like, Share, Comment & Subscribe :) To stay notified of all her music projects, live performances and new music videos sign up for her newsletter at Every new subscriber gets to download her song EQUILIBRIUM for free. Booking contact:
Most beautiful soundtrack sung by Angelic soprano in Angelic Language - YouTube