r/CoolGuidesPicture based reference guides for anything and everything. If it seems like something someone might print, physically post, and reference then it...Subreddit·reddit.com·Jan 19, 2021r/CoolGuides
r/conspiracy**The conspiracy subreddit is a thinking ground. Above all else, we respect everyone's opinions and ALL religious beliefs and creeds. We hope to...Subreddit·reddit.com·Jan 19, 2021r/conspiracy
r/buildapcPlanning on building a computer but need some advice? This is the place to ask! /r/buildapc is a community-driven subreddit dedicated to custom...Subreddit·reddit.com·Jan 19, 2021r/buildapc
r/BossFightPictures of things that could be boss fights, any kind of picture, gif, or video may be used. Come up with a boss name for the title, and if...Subreddit·reddit.com·Jan 19, 2021r/BossFight
r/Next Fucking LevelA subreddit for pictures, gifs and videos that are next fucking level.Subreddit·reddit.com·Jan 19, 2021r/Next Fucking Level
r/Audiophiler/audiophile is a subreddit for the pursuit of quality audio reproduction of all forms, budgets, and sizes of speakers. Our primary goal is...Subreddit·reddit.com·Jan 19, 2021r/Audiophile
r/AmateurAstrophotographyImages of space, taken by amateurs.Subreddit·reddit.com·Jan 19, 2021r/AmateurAstrophotography
r/Assholes DesignBecause nothing comes before profit, especially not the consumer.Subreddit·reddit.com·Jan 19, 2021r/Assholes Design
r/AskScienceAsk a science question, get a science answer.Subreddit·reddit.com·Jan 19, 2021r/AskScience
r/AskPhotographyA place to converse with the photographic community here on Reddit. Well formulated posts with clear accurate titles will help, the better the...Subreddit·reddit.com·Jan 19, 2021r/AskPhotography
r/InterntIsBeautifulThis is a subreddit based around sharing awesome, usually minimal and single-purpose websites and webtools. Also, note to self: If this...Subreddit·reddit.com·Jan 18, 2021r/InterntIsBeautiful
Juana Martín López - ResearchGateResearchGate profile·researchgate.net·Jan 11, 2021Juana Martín López - ResearchGate