zxing/zxing: ZXing ("Zebra Crossing") · GitHub

tobimensch/aqemu · GitHub
Official AQEMU repository - a GUI for virtual machines using QEMU as the backend - GitHub - tobimensch/aqemu: Official AQEMU repository - a GUI for virtual machines using QEMU as the backend
alyssaxuu/omni · GitHub
The all-in-one tool to supercharge your productivity ⌨️ - alyssaxuu/omni: The all-in-one tool to supercharge your productivity ⌨️
FortyNorthSecurity/EyeWitness · GitHub
EyeWitness is designed to take screenshots of websites, provide some server header info, and identify default credentials if possible. - GitHub - FortyNorthSecurity/EyeWitness: EyeWitness is design...
Datalux/Osintgram · GitHub
sundowndev/phoneinfoga · GitHub
Information gathering framework for phone numbers. Contribute to sundowndev/phoneinfoga development by creating an account on GitHub.
s0md3v/Photon · GitHub
Incredibly fast crawler designed for OSINT. Contribute to s0md3v/Photon development by creating an account on GitHub.
shaarli/Shaarli: The personal, minimalist, super-fast, database free, bookmarking service · GitHub
The personal, minimalist, super-fast, database free, bookmarking service - community repo - shaarli/Shaarli: The personal, minimalist, super-fast, database free, bookmarking service - community repo
kanishka-linux/reminiscence · GitHub
Self-Hosted Bookmark And Archive Manager. Contribute to kanishka-linux/reminiscence development by creating an account on GitHub.
jarun/buku: Personal mini-web in text · GitHub
:bookmark: Personal mini-web in text. Contribute to jarun/buku development by creating an account on GitHub.
bmewburn/vscode-intelephense · GitHub
PHP intellisense for Visual Studio Code. Contribute to bmewburn/vscode-intelephense development by creating an account on GitHub.
obsidian-periodic-notes · GitHub
Create/manage your daily, weekly, and monthly notes in Obsidian - liamcain/obsidian-periodic-notes: Create/manage your daily, weekly, and monthly notes in Obsidian
obsidian-enhancing-export · GItHub
This is an enhancing export plugin base on Pandoc for Obsidian (https://obsidian.md/ ). It's allow you to export to formats like Markdown、Markdown (Hugo https://gohugo.io/ )、Html、docx、Latex etc...
obsidian-execute-code · GitHub
Obsidian Plugin to execute code in a note. Contribute to twibiral/obsidian-execute-code development by creating an account on GitHub.
obsidian-commander · GitHub
Commander - Obsidian Plugin | Add Commands to every part of Obsidian's user interface - phibr0/obsidian-commander: Commander - Obsidian Plugin | Add Commands to every part of Obsidian's use...
breadcrumbs · GitHub
Visualise a custom hierarchy in your Obsidian vault. API: https://skepticmystic.github.io/breadcrumbs/ - SkepticMystic/breadcrumbs: Visualise a custom hierarchy in your Obsidian vault. API: https:/...
obsidian-style-settings · GitHub
A dynamic user interface for adjusting theme, plugin, and snippet CSS variables within Obsidian - mgmeyers/obsidian-style-settings: A dynamic user interface for adjusting theme, plugin, and snippet...
customizable-page-header-buttons · GitHub
Add command buttons left to the standard buttons in Obsidian mobile (and desktop, if enabled). - kometenstaub/customizable-page-header-buttons: Add command buttons left to the standard buttons in O...
obsidian-open-vscode · GitHub
Open vault in VSCode button for Obsidian.md. Contribute to NomarCub/obsidian-open-vscode development by creating an account on GitHub.
obsidian-emoji-toolbar · GitHub
An Obsidian plugin to quickly add emojis into your notes - GitHub - oliveryh/obsidian-emoji-toolbar: An Obsidian plugin to quickly add emojis into your notes
obsidian-hover-editor · GitHub
Transform the Page Preview hover into a working editor instance - GitHub - nothingislost/obsidian-hover-editor: Transform the Page Preview hover into a working editor instance
obsidian-homepage · GitHub
An Obsidian plugin that opens a specified note on startup, instead of the most recent one. - GitHub - mirnovov/obsidian-homepage: An Obsidian plugin that opens a specified note on startup, instead ...
obsidian-banners · GitHub
An Obsidian plugin that adds banners to your notes - GitHub - noatpad/obsidian-banners: An Obsidian plugin that adds banners to your notes
Docile-Alligator/Infinity-For-Reddit · GitHub
Darkle/Roffline · GitHub
mendel5/alternative-front-ends · GitHub
Overview of alternative open source front-ends for popular internet platforms (e.g. YouTube, Twitter, etc.) - GitHub - mendel5/alternative-front-ends: Overview of alternative open source front-ends...
stv0g/gose: A tera-scale file uploader · GitHub
A tera-scale file uploader. Contribute to stv0g/gose development by creating an account on GitHub.
tycrek/ass · GitHub
The superior self-hosted ShareX server. Contribute to tycrek/ass development by creating an account on GitHub.
Forceu/Gokapi GitHub
Lightweight selfhosted Firefox Send alternative without public upload. AWS S3 supported. - GitHub - Forceu/Gokapi: Lightweight selfhosted Firefox Send alternative without public upload. AWS S3 supp...
axeloz/filesharing · GitHub
Files sharing application made in PHP. Contribute to axeloz/filesharing development by creating an account on GitHub.