Found 1623 bookmarks
globaloe · GitHub
globaloe · GitHub
a plugin for encrypting obsidian markdowns in-memory, single password based. - shlemiel/globaloe: a plugin for encrypting obsidian markdowns in-memory, single password based.
globaloe · GitHub
longform · GitHub
longform · GitHub
A plugin for Obsidian that helps you write and edit novels, screenplays, and other long projects. - kevboh/longform: A plugin for Obsidian that helps you write and edit novels, screenplays, and oth...
longform · GitHub
kubero-dev/ladder · GitHub
kubero-dev/ladder · GitHub
Alternative to Bypass paywalls with a proxy ladder and remove CORS headers from any URL - kubero-dev/ladder: Alternative to Bypass paywalls with a proxy ladder and remove CORS hea...
kubero-dev/ladder · GitHub
jooy2/vitepress-sidebar · GitHub
jooy2/vitepress-sidebar · GitHub
🔌 VitePress Sidebar is a plugin for VitePress that automatically configures and manages the sidebar of your page with simple settings. - jooy2/vitepress-sidebar: 🔌 VitePress Sidebar is a plugin for...
jooy2/vitepress-sidebar · GitHub