Web Extension and CLI tool for saving a faithful copy of an entire web page in a single HTML file - GitHub - gildas-lormeau/SingleFile: Web Extension and CLI tool for saving a faithful copy of an e...
LiteOS kernel for devices with few resources| such as the MCU | 适用于MCU等各种资源极小设备的LiteOS内核 - GitHub - openharmony/kernel_liteos_m: LiteOS kernel for devices with few resources| such as the MCU | 适用于M...
A Microsoft Windows® USB installation media preparer for GNU+Linux - GitHub - WoeUSB/WoeUSB: A Microsoft Windows® USB installation media preparer for GNU+Linux
OPL3/OPN2 synthesizer using ADLMIDI and OPNMIDI, for Jack and cross-platform audio - GitHub - jpcima/adljack: OPL3/OPN2 synthesizer using ADLMIDI and OPNMIDI, for Jack and cross-platform audio
An Obsidian.md plugin that syncs highlights from Raindrop. - GitHub - kaiiiz/obsidian-raindrop-highlights-plugin: An Obsidian.md plugin that syncs highlights from Raindrop.
A no-brainer solution to turning your Obsidian PKM into a Zola site. - GitHub - ppeetteerrs/obsidian-zola: A no-brainer solution to turning your Obsidian PKM into a Zola site.
Tools to set up a quick macOS VM in QEMU, accelerated by KVM. - GitHub - foxlet/macOS-Simple-KVM: Tools to set up a quick macOS VM in QEMU, accelerated by KVM.
GSmartControl - Hard disk drive and SSD health inspection tool - GitHub - ashaduri/gsmartcontrol: GSmartControl - Hard disk drive and SSD health inspection tool
A fork of Librewolf with enhanced KDE integration, saner defaults & custom branding 🐉 (mirrored from GitLab) - GitHub - dr460nf1r3/firedragon-browser: A fork of Librewolf with enhanced KDE ...
System restore tool for Linux. Creates filesystem snapshots using rsync+hardlinks, or BTRFS snapshots. Supports scheduled snapshots, multiple backup levels, and exclude filters. Snapshots can be re...
:computer: Maintained fork of the original Archey (Linux) system tool - GitHub - HorlogeSkynet/archey4: Maintained fork of the original Archey (Linux) system tool