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ZettelFlow is a plugin for Obsidian that helps you to create and manage your notes in a Zettelkasten way. - RafaelGB/Obsidian-ZettelFlow: ZettelFlow is a plugin for Obsidian that helps you to creat...
Set yourself dynamic writing goals for notes and folders to help you hit your long form writing targets with Obsidian. - lynchjames/obsidian-writing-goals: Set yourself dynamic writing goals for no... plugin to grab data from public movie Databases and make them into a note that can be used with dataview querries - Superschnizel/Obsidian-Moviegrabber: plugin to grab data ...
Download youtube thumbnail Images and vimeo videos of all quality. This app lets you to download HD thumbnail images for free. Just enter the URL of the video for which thumbnail needs to be saved.
Access Git repositories on the go. Clone, edit, commit and push while taking advantage of iOS advancements allowing other apps to also access repositories.
Plugin for ObsidianMD to show and edit code files along other notes. - lukasbach/obsidian-code-files: Plugin for ObsidianMD to show and edit code files along other notes.
A Zotero plugin to export item metadata and notes as markdown files - argenos/zotero-mdnotes: A Zotero plugin to export item metadata and notes as markdown files is in closed beta! please join the waitlist at - screendotgarden/screengarden-obsidian: is in closed beta! please join the waitlist ...
Instantly share a note, with the full theme and content exactly like you see it in Obsidian. Data is shared encrypted by default, and only you and the person you send it to have the key. 👇 Install...