This tool extracts and displays data from the Recall feature in Windows 11, providing an easy way to access information about your PC's activity snapshots. - xaitax/TotalRecall
A powerful and ad-free YouTube client built using Flutter. Watch YouTube videos without ads, subscribe to channels, retrieve video dislikes, read comments, save videos, and much more. - mu-fazil-vk...
An obsidian plugin that allows code blocks executed interactively in sandbox like jupyter notebooks. Supported language rust、kotlin、python、Javascript、TypeScript etc. - mokeyish/obsidian-code-emitter
Tools for downloading and preserving wikis. We archive wikis, from Wikipedia to tiniest wikis. As of 2023, WikiTeam has preserved more than 350,000 wikis. - WikiTeam/wikiteam
Movie DB is a fully open-source android application for exploring and organizing your personal collection of films and television series. - WirelessAlien/MovieDB