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Online Hex editor tool
Online Hex editor tool
Hex editor for EEPROM dump editing. Main purpose of this application is editing and analyzing small binary files, mostly eeprom dumps. You can open, save, compare, analyse, decode binary data.
Online Hex editor tool - Juegos Online - Juegos Online
Parchís, Chinchón, Dominó, Escoba y muchos más para jugar online con tus amigos. Zona de juegos compatible con todos los dispositivos
·· - Juegos Online
CSS Layout Generator
CSS Layout Generator
A CSS Grid generator & CSS Flexbox generator. A tool for generating UI layout component code.
CSS Layout Generator
JPEG photo processing online - IMG online
JPEG photo processing online - IMG online
Сервис для простой и качественной обработки изображений, картинок и фотографий онлайн. Здесь можно изменить размер изображения в пикселях, мегапикселях, сжать JPEG, автоматически улучшить или корректировать картинку, добавить различные фотоэффекты.
JPEG photo processing online - IMG online
Slint | Declarative GUI for Rust, C++, JavaScript & Python
Slint | Declarative GUI for Rust, C++, JavaScript & Python
Slint, the declarative GUI toolkit for Rust, C++, JavaScript, and Python. Build elegant, modern, stylish, native GUIs for Embedded, Desktop, and Web. Complete your UI design through quick iterations using Live Preview. Tweak everything, like colors, animations, geometries, or text. and verify the changes instantly. Build a responsive UI from a single design. Target different screen resolution and sizes with flexible layouts. Enjoy flexibility that only a native application can provide: Access full operating system APIs, utilize all CPU and GPU cores, connect to any peripheral. Slint compiles your UI design to machine code. Achieve low footprint and minimal resource consumption. The Slint runtime fits in less than 300KiB RAM, features a reactive property system, and is built with Rust. Deliver a smooth user experience. Slint uses the optimal graphics rendering method: GPU accelerated, DMA2D, Framebuffer, or Linebuffer. Continue using your favourite IDE. Choose between our generic language server and VS Code extension: Enjoy code completion, live-preview, code navigation, diagnostics, and syntax highlighting.
Slint | Declarative GUI for Rust, C++, JavaScript & Python
Noun Town Language Learning
Noun Town Language Learning
The new best way to learn a foreign language! Learn Japanese, Spanish, French, Italian, German and Chinese in VR, leveraging the unique gameplay, your learning directly impacts the game environment: as you progress, the island turns to colour and characters move back to the town.
Noun Town Language Learning