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Star Walk 2
Star Walk 2
Explore the night sky tonight from your location. Try this exquisite stargazing tool. Take an effortless journey through thousands of stars, planets and constellations.
Star Walk 2
GraphicsMagick - SourceForge
GraphicsMagick - SourceForge
Download GraphicsMagick for free. Swiss army knife of image processing. GraphicsMagick provides a set of commandline tools and programming APIs for manipulating, editing, and converting raster and vector images. It is derived from ImageMagick, with the objective of providing better stability and performance than ImageMagick while retaining the original MIT/X11 license.
GraphicsMagick - SourceForge
Oddcast TTS Demo
Oddcast TTS Demo
Try SitePal's talking avatars with our free Text to Speech online demo. Our virtual characters read text aloud naturally in over 25 languages. Use our text to speach (txt 2 speech) tool to test speech voices. No speaking software needed
Oddcast TTS Demo