/ gitlab-shell · GitLab

asus-linux / asusctl · GitLab
David Griffith / minipro · GitLab
GitLab Pages examples / plain-html · GitLab
Example plain HTML site using GitLab Pages:
Foundry Network / Foundry Virtual Tabletop · GitLab
Public issue tracking and documentation for Foundry Virtual Tabletop - new software connecting RPG gamers in a shared multiplayer environment with an intuitive interface and powerful API.
LibreWolf · GitLab
A fork of Firefox, focused on privacy, security and freedom.
QEMU / QEMU · GitLab
QEMU main repository: Please see for how to submit changes to QEMU. Pull Requests are ignored. Please only use release tarballs from...
sequoia-pgp / sequoia · GitLab
Isleward / isleward · GitLab
The moddable, multiplayer roguelike.
F-Droid / fdroidserver · GitLab
Tools for managing builds, indexes, updates, and deployments for F-Droid repositories.
GameCI / unity3d-gitlab-ci-example · GitLab
This project runs tests and creates builds using gitlab-ci in a unity3d project.
GitLab Pages examples / hugo · GitLab
Example Hugo site using GitLab Pages:
Roberto Leinardi / GreenWithEnvy · GitLab
System utility designed to provide information, control the fans and overclock your NVIDIA card
Matias Meno / Dropzone · GitLab
Dropzone is an easy to use drag'n'drop library. It supports image previews and shows nice progress bars.
Famedly / Conduit · GitLab
Conduit is a simple, fast and reliable chat server powered by Matrix
libeigen / eigen · GitLab
Eigen is a C++ template library for linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical solvers, and related algorithms.
recalbox / recalbox · GitLab
The recalbox os. Retrogaming open source operating system for Raspberry Pi, Odroid and PC.
Veloren / veloren · GitLab
Veloren is a multiplayer voxel RPG written in Rust. It is inspired by games such as Cube World, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Dwarf Fortress and...
Anarchy Installer · GitLab
The Archiso-based installer for Arch Linux
PipeWire · GitLab
Next-generation cross-desktop audio and video server
GNOME / gThumb · GitLab
Image viewer and browser
GNOME/Amberol · GitLab
A small and simple sound and music player that is well integrated with GNOME.
Gnome-calendar · GitLab
Calendar application for GNOME
OpenRGB · GitLab
Open source RGB lighting control that doesn't depend on manufacturer software. For Windows, Linux, MacOS. ASUS, ASRock, Corsair, G.Skill, Gigabyte, HyperX, MSI, Razer, ThermalTake, and more...
Michael Lugmair / Sayonara Player · GitLab
Sayonara is a small, clear and fast audio player for Linux written in C++, supported by the Qt framework. It uses GStreamer as audio backend. Sayonara is open...
GNOME / rhythmbox · GitLab
Welcome to GNOME GitLab
AuroraStore · GitLab
An Open Source alternative for Google Play Store
Derek Taylor / Dotfiles · GitLab
Dotfiles are the customization files (their filenames usually begin with a period) that are used to personalize your linux or other Unix-based system. This repository contains my personal...
Derek Taylor / DTOS
DTOS is an Arch Linux-based post-installation script that will deploy my Xmonad config, my Emacs config, as well as associated programs that are needed to create a proper...
Files (Nautilus) - GNOME · GitLab
A file browser for GNOME