Continuing Hermit's legacy to be minimal and fast theme. OG : - 1bl4z3r/hermit-V2: Continuing Hermit's legacy to be minimal and fast theme. OG : htt...
A clean and beautiful Hugo theme, which built using Tailwind CSS. - mrhelloboy/seven: A clean and beautiful Hugo theme, which built using Tailwind CSS.
leonid20000/OdinRunes: a java-based GPT client · GitHub
Odin Runes, a java-based GPT client, liberates you from vendor lock-in, allowing seamless interaction with your preferred GPT model right through your favorite text editor. There is more: It also e...
Browser based music making application driving synthesizers, samplers and effects using both a tracker and piano roll/loop based interface. Supports MIDI controllers and provides both local and clo...
A fast, secure and easy to use VPN. Built by the makers of Firefox. - mozilla-mobile/mozilla-vpn-client: A fast, secure and easy to use VPN. Built by the makers of Firefox.
The source code of version 10 or later of Floorp Browser, the most Advanced and Fastest Firefox derivative 🦊 - GitHub - Floorp-Projects/Floorp: The source code of version 10 or later of Floorp Brow...
Ultra-lightweight JavaScript engine for the Internet of Things. - GitHub - jerryscript-project/jerryscript: Ultra-lightweight JavaScript engine for the Internet of Things.
This is V1 of my Portfolio Page. Created entirely within React. Utilizes a Linux inspired terminal design. - IliyanID/Portfolio-Website: This is V1 of my Portfolio Page. Created entirely within Rea...
OpenRW "Open ReWrite" is an un-official open source recreation of the classic Grand Theft Auto III game executable - rwengine/openrw: OpenRW "Open ReWrite" is an...
My Bash profile - Highly customized Starship Theme - Just imagine Powerlevel10k and Nord Theme had a baby. - ChrisTitusTech/mybash: My Bash profile - Highly customized Starship Theme - Just imagine...