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Nikkho - SourceForge
Nikkho - SourceForge
Download Nikkho for free. Javier Gutiérrez Chamorro (Guti) Open source projects. Javier Gutiérrez Chamorro (Guti) Open source projects Author's website:
Nikkho - SourceForge
gchenfc/sci-hub-now · GitHub
gchenfc/sci-hub-now · GitHub
Free access to academic papers with just a single click! Abolish publishers, long live the open access movement! 🦅 - GitHub - gchenfc/sci-hub-now: Free access to academic papers with just a single ...
gchenfc/sci-hub-now · GitHub
LibreCAD/LibreCAD · GitHub
LibreCAD/LibreCAD · GitHub
LibreCAD is a cross-platform 2D CAD program written in C++11 using the Qt framework. It can read DXF and DWG files and can write DXF, PDF and SVG files. The user interface is highly customizable, a...
LibreCAD/LibreCAD · GitHub
ultravnc/UltraVNC · GItHub
ultravnc/UltraVNC · GItHub
UltraVNC Server and UltraVNC Viewer | Official repository: - GitHub - ultravnc/UltraVNC: UltraVNC Server and UltraVNC Viewer | Official repository: https://gith...
ultravnc/UltraVNC · GItHub
evolus/pencil · GItHub
evolus/pencil · GItHub
The Pencil Project's unique mission is to build a free and opensource tool for making diagrams and GUI prototyping that everyone can use. - GitHub - evolus/pencil: The Pencil Project's uni...
evolus/pencil · GItHub
torakiki/pdfsam · GitHub
torakiki/pdfsam · GitHub
PDFsam, a desktop application to split, merge, mix, rotate PDF files and extract pages - GitHub - torakiki/pdfsam: PDFsam, a desktop application to split, merge, mix, rotate PDF files and extract p...
torakiki/pdfsam · GitHub
zulip/zulip · GItHub
zulip/zulip · GItHub
Zulip server and web application. Open-source team chat that helps teams stay productive and focused. - GitHub - zulip/zulip: Zulip server and web application. Open-source team chat that helps team...
zulip/zulip · GItHub
mypaint/mypaint · GitHub
mypaint/mypaint · GitHub
MyPaint is a simple drawing and painting program that works well with Wacom-style graphics tablets. - GitHub - mypaint/mypaint: MyPaint is a simple drawing and painting program that works well with...
mypaint/mypaint · GitHub