Found 2616 bookmarks
Moonwalk Theme
Moonwalk Theme
Moonwalk is a fast and elegant Jekyll theme with a clean dark mode. It comes with horizontal list (for navbar and footer), card list (for portfolio), and a generic vertical list. It is very easy to modify in case you want to build over it - please see _layouts/home.html to do that.
Moonwalk Theme
Hugo Book
Hugo Book
Acerbo datus maxime # Astris ipse furtiva # Est in vagis et Pittheus tu arge accipiter regia iram vocatur nurus. Omnes ut olivae sensit arma sorori deducit, inesset crudus, ego vetuere aliis, modo arsit? Utinam rapta fiducia valuere litora adicit cursu, ad facies Suis quot vota # Ea furtique risere fratres edidit terrae magis. Colla tam mihi tenebat: miseram excita suadent es pecudes iam. Concilio quam velatus posset ait quod nunc!
Hugo Book
Derek Taylor / DTOS
Derek Taylor / DTOS
DTOS is an Arch Linux-based post-installation script that will deploy my Xmonad config, my Emacs config, as well as associated programs that are needed to create a proper...
Derek Taylor / DTOS
XeroLinux · SourceForge
XeroLinux · SourceForge
Download XeroLinux for free. A Custom Arch-Based Distro with KDE Plasma. ** Introduction ** This is XeroLinux - an Arch-based Distro with KDE Plasma. It started as a personal project for myself, that has quickly grown to become something much bigger.
XeroLinux · SourceForge
Guiscrcpy · GItHub
Guiscrcpy · GItHub
A full fledged GUI integration for the award winning open-source android screen mirroring system -- scrcpy located on by @rom1v - GitHub - srevinsaju/guiscrcpy...
Guiscrcpy · GItHub
Htop · GitHub
Htop · GitHub
htop is an interactive text-mode process viewer for Unix systems. It aims to be a better 'top'. - GitHub - hishamhm/htop: htop is an interactive text-mode process viewer for Unix sy...
Htop · GitHub