Página web multilenguaje desarrollada con Vue utilizando Nuxt.js. - GitHub - mgonzalezg9/Web-personal: Página web multilenguaje desarrollada con Vue utilizando Nuxt.js.
Página web personal. Artículos sobre ciberseguridad, CTFs e investigaciones. - GitHub - s4vitar/s4vitar.github.io: Página web personal. Artículos sobre ciberseguridad, CTFs e investigaciones.
A Jekyll Theme, based on the Uno-Theme with some adjustments. - GitHub - tzuehlke/jekyll-uno-timeline: A Jekyll Theme, based on the Uno-Theme with some adjustments.
A simple spacemacs template on jekyll. https://victorvoid.github.io/space-jekyll-template/ - GitHub - victorvoid/space-jekyll-template: A simple spacemacs template on jekyll. https://victorvoid.git...
A minimal, responsive, and powerful Jekyll theme for presenting professional writing - GitHub - cotes2020/jekyll-theme-chirpy: A minimal, responsive, and powerful Jekyll theme for presenting profes...
Jekyll-Uno - a minimal, responsive theme for Jekyll based on Uno for Ghost - GitHub - joshgerdes/jekyll-uno: Jekyll-Uno - a minimal, responsive theme for Jekyll based on Uno for Ghost
Hacker-Blog is a minimalistic, responsive jekyll theme built for hackers. https://ashishchaudhary.in/hacker-blog - GitHub - tocttou/hacker-blog: Hacker-Blog is a minimalistic, responsive jekyll the...
My dotfiles repo, here you can find all my window manager configs as well as documentation and a guide on how to make your own desktop environment. - GitHub - antoniosarosi/dotfiles: My dotfiles re...
This app calculates how much a distant object is obscured by the earth's curvature. - GitHub - dizzib/earthcalc: This app calculates how much a distant object is obscured by the earth&#...