

WoeUSB/WoeUSB-ng · GitHub
WoeUSB/WoeUSB-ng · GitHub
WoeUSB-ng is a simple tool that enable you to create your own usb stick windows installer from an iso image or a real DVD. This is a rewrite of original WoeUSB. - GitHub - WoeUSB/WoeUSB-ng: WoeUSB-...
WoeUSB/WoeUSB-ng · GitHub
ilius/pyglossary · GitHub
ilius/pyglossary · GitHub
A tool for converting dictionary files aka glossaries. Mainly to help use our offline glossaries in any Open Source dictionary we like on any modern operating system / device. - GitHub - ilius/pygl...
ilius/pyglossary · GitHub
authpass/authpass · GitHub
authpass/authpass · GitHub
AuthPass - Password Manager based on Flutter for all platforms. Keepass 2.x (kdbx 3.x) compatible. - GitHub - authpass/authpass: AuthPass - Password Manager based on Flutter for all platforms. Keep...
authpass/authpass · GitHub
MS-DOS Games -
MS-DOS Games -
Software for MS-DOS machines that represent entertainment and games. The collection includes action, strategy, adventure and other unique genres of game and entertainment software. Through the use of the EM-DOSBOX in-browser emulator, these programs are bootable and playable. Please be aware this...
MS-DOS Games -
Sav22999/emoji · GitHub
Sav22999/emoji · GitHub
"Emoji" is a Firefox add-on where you can find emojis and copy them with a single click. - GitHub - Sav22999/emoji: "Emoji" is a Firefox add-on where you can find emojis and cop...
Sav22999/emoji · GitHub