Tecnología victoriana: la máquina diferencial de Babagge construida en la actualidad
Me pierde la estética steampunk y la mecánica victoriana, esos ingenios que se mueven gracias a levas, poleas, ruedas dentadas, palancas, fulcros, cadenas,...
Database, Table and Column Naming Conventions? - StackOverflow
Whenever I design a database, I always wonder if there is a best way of naming an item in my database. Quite often I ask myself the following questions:
Should table names be plural?
Should column...
Insolite : attaquer un radar avec une injection SQL
Une équipe de hackers a "sérieusement" planché sur les excès de vitesse pour éviter de payer des PV. Contrairement à ce que l'on pourrait penser aucune attaque via botnet ou Déni de Service... mais un simple bout de carton, du scotch et une requête SQL : Etant donné que les radars automatiques utilisent la reconnaissance
2 ways to activate Windows 10 for FREE without additional software - MS Guides
As you know, Microsoft notified Windows 10 is “the last version of Windows” and explained that they will be focused on the development of powerful and new features under the guise of software updates…
Easily install Debian Linux on Windows using WSL2 - LinuxForDevices
Microsoft has recently updated their WSL or Windows Subsystem for Linux to version 2 (termed WSL2) and the Linux instance installed is more usable for all
Here are five of the most approachable ways for resetting or recovering your Windows password along with abridged instructions on how to execute them and some alternatives.