

Social Networks
Social Networks
A social network graph is a graph where the nodes represent people and the lines between nodes, called edges, represent social connections between them, such as friendship or working together on a project. These graphs can be either undirected or directed. For instance, Facebook can be described with an undirected graph since the friendship is bidirectional, Alice and Bob being friends is the same as Bob and Alice being friends. On the other hand, …
Social Networks
Why some webs start with 'www' but others not?
Why some webs start with 'www' but others not?
Answer (1 of 22): The reason is largely historical. The invention of the “world wide web” is not the same thing as the invention of the internet itself. When http and html became popular, the internet was already well established and other protocols already existed, as did DNS (the internet’s “t...
Why some webs start with 'www' but others not?