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Intelligence Community
Intelligence Community
We are dedicated and passionate thinkers and doers making a difference for our country.
Intelligence Community
NSA Open Source
NSA Open Source
THE FOLLOWING OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE was developed within the National Security Agency and is now available to the public.
NSA Open Source
U.S. Navy's Military Sealift Command
U.S. Navy's Military Sealift Command
U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Gen. Michael E. Langley, the commanding general of Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic (FMFLANT), Marine Forces Command (MARFORCOM), Marine Forces Northern Command (MARFOR NORTHCOM), and Adm. Daryl L. Caudle, commander of United States Fleet Forces Command, spread awareness of the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS) Active Duty Fund Drive (ADFD) at Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia, March 15, 2022. MARFORCOM, FMFLANT, MARFOR NORTHCOM is the lead command for coordinating 2022’s NMCRS fund drive efforts with Langley as the drive chairman for twelve area commands in the Hampton Roads region. The goal of the ADFD is to raise awareness of the programs and services available to active duty U.S. Marines and Sailors, and to raise funds to support financial assistance and education to service members, eligible family members, widows and survivors. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Kealii De Los Santos)
U.S. Navy's Military Sealift Command
The National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center is a U.S. government center overseen by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, a component of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The NIPRCC coordinates the U.S. government's enforcement of intellectual property laws
U.S. Fleet Forces Command
U.S. Fleet Forces Command
Official website of U.S. Fleet Forces Command (USFFC). USFFC mans, trains, equips, certifies and provides combat-ready Navy forces to combat-commanders in support of U.S. national interests.
U.S. Fleet Forces Command
U.S. Naval Institute
U.S. Naval Institute
The U.S. Naval Institute provides an independent forum for those who seek to advance and strengthen the naval profession.
U.S. Naval Institute
US Military Bases
US Military Bases
US Military Bases are located in over 135 countries. Find the most comprehensive listing of US Army, Navy, Marine, Air Force, Coast Guard and Joint Operation Military Bases with detailed descriptions of all US Military Bases worldwide including Commissary, Jobs for Veterans, School Scores and much more! Easy search.
US Military Bases
The E-3A Component is NATO's first integrated, multi-national flying unit, providing rapid deployability, airborne surveillance, command, control and communication for NATO operations.