Gremlins tracker for Visual Studio Code: reveals invisible whitespace and other annoying characters - GitHub - nhoizey/vscode-gremlins: Gremlins tracker for Visual Studio Code: reveals invisible wh...
Chat with your notes in Obsidian! Plus, see what's most relevant in real-time! Interact and stay organized. Powered by OpenAI ChatGPT, GPT-4 & Embeddings. - GitHub - brianpetro/obsi...
Create notes within folders that can be accessed without collapsing the folder, similar to the functionality offered in Notion. - GitHub - LostPaul/obsidian-folder-notes: Create notes within folder...
Privacy Checkup: How well do you protect your privacy?
The Privacy Checkup was launched as part of Data Privacy Week 2024 and helps you to determine whether or not you’re sufficiently protecting your data online.
A stylish theme inspired by Vercel Theme ▲ and One Dark Pro 🎨. Now you can try out Flexoki variants! - GitHub - Railly/one-hunter-vscode: A stylish theme inspired by Vercel Theme ▲ and One Dark Pr...
This plugin for Obsidian enables you complete words like the auto-completion of IDE. - tadashi-aikawa/obsidian-various-complements-plugin: This plugin for Obsidian enables you complete words like t...
An obsidian toolbar plugin, modified from the Cmenu plugin - PKM-er/obsidian-editing-toolbar: An obsidian toolbar plugin, modified from the Cmenu plugin
Weave together data from diverse sources and display them in different views. Inspired by Excel spreadsheets and - trey-wallis/obsidian-dataloom: Weave together data from diverse sources...
This plugin allows you to publish your markdown notes with a single click directly from your Obsidian vault. - ozntel/ozanshare-publish-plugin: This plugin allows you to publish your markdown notes...
Highlight English words according to the frequency with Obsidian - eatgrass/obsidian-vocab-highlighter: Highlight English words according to the frequency with Obsidian
Seamlessly encrypts your notes using GPG. Supports smartcards for enhanced security! 🔒📝📎 - tejado/obsidian-gpgCrypt: Seamlessly encrypts your notes using GPG. Supports smartcards for enhanced secur...