RiMusicOpen source multilingual Android application for streaming music from YouTube MusicVideo client#OS compatibility: Android#Software: Open-Source·rimusic.xyz·Oct 26, 2024RiMusic
iSpy - Open source camera security softwareiSpy - Open source camera security software. iSpy provides security, surveillance, motion detection, online access and remote controlWebcam#Software: Open-Source·ispyconnect.com·Jul 14, 2023iSpy - Open source camera security software
MythTV, Open Source DVRMythTV is a Free Open Source digital video recorder project distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL.Screen recorder#Software: Open-Source·mythtv.org·May 29, 2023MythTV, Open Source DVR
Motion - Open source security camera softwareOpen source security camera software to monitor and record video from IP, cctv, webcams and even the PI cameraWebcam#Software: Open-Source·motion-project.github.io·Mar 10, 2023Motion - Open source security camera software
Kap - Capture your screenAn open-source screen recorder built with web technologyScreen recorder#Software: Open-Source·getkap.co·Jun 15, 2022Kap - Capture your screen
LosslessCutProgrammer, traveller, photo & videographerVideo editor#Software: Open-Source·mifi.no·May 10, 2022LosslessCut
mpv.ioa free, open source, and cross-platform media playerVideo player#Software: Desktop#❤️#Software: Open-Source·mpv.io·Mar 10, 2022mpv.io
SMPlayer - Free media playerSMPlayer is a free media player than can play virtually all audio and video formats. It can even play and download Youtube videos. Other interesting features: find and download subtitles, thumbnail generator, resume playback.Video player#Software: Open-Source·smplayer.info·Feb 20, 2022SMPlayer - Free media player
Asciinema.org - record and share terminal sessionsTerminal recorder#Software: Desktop#❤️#Software: Open-Source·asciinema.org·Nov 15, 2021Asciinema.org - record and share terminal sessions
Vokoscreen - Screencasts for Windows and LinuxScreen recorder#Software: Open-Source·linuxecke.volkoh.de·Jul 19, 2021Vokoscreen - Screencasts for Windows and Linux
AvidemuxFree, Open-Source video editor with support for many file types and various cutting, filtering and encoding tasks.Video editor#Software: Open-Source·avidemux.sourceforge.net·Jun 23, 2021Avidemux
Fluid PlayerFluid Player, the VAST ready open source HTML5 video playerVideo player#Software: Open-Source·fluidplayer.com·Apr 17, 2021Fluid Player
ShotcutShotcut is a free, open source, cross-platform video editor for Windows, Mac and LinuxVideo editor#Software: Desktop#❤️#Software: Open-Source·shotcut.org·Jan 4, 2020Shotcut
VideoLANVLC: Official site - Free multimedia solutions for all OS!Video player#Software: Desktop#❤️#Software: Open-Source·videolan.org·Nov 11, 2019VideoLAN