Window manager

Galería WM
Galería WM
Un hombre se ha embarcado en un largo viaje por el mundo indómito de las interfaces gráficas para Unix, y cuenta aquí sus experiencias. Fluxbox, Dwm, Window Maker, el venerable Twm... Todos con su artículo y sus capturas de pantalla.
Galería WM
AquaSnap - Window Manager
AquaSnap - Window Manager
Too many windows on your screen? Stop wasting your productivity. AquaSnap brings new easy and efficient ways to manage multiple applications, try it now!
AquaSnap - Window Manager
nextapps-de/winbox · GitHub
nextapps-de/winbox · GitHub
WinBox is a modern HTML5 window manager for the web: lightweight, outstanding performance, no dependencies, fully customizable, open source! - GitHub - nextapps-de/winbox: WinBox is a modern HTML5 ...
nextapps-de/winbox · GitHub
Motif - SourceForge
Motif - SourceForge
Download Motif for free. Motif released as open source software under LGPL v2.1. Motif is a freely available source code distribution for the Motif user interface component toolkit. Motif 2.3.8 is an updated version of Open Motif 2.3 and is a major bug fix release.
Motif - SourceForge