Stacking window manager - Wikipedia
paperwm/PaperWM · GItHub
Tiled scrollable window management for Gnome Shell - GitHub - paperwm/PaperWM: Tiled scrollable window management for Gnome Shell
nomcopter/react-mosaic · GitHub
A React tiling window manager. Contribute to nomcopter/react-mosaic development by creating an account on GitHub.
pop-os/shell · GitHub
Pop!_OS Shell. Contribute to pop-os/shell development by creating an account on GitHub.
nextapps-de/winbox · GitHub
WinBox is a modern HTML5 window manager for the web: lightweight, outstanding performance, no dependencies, fully customizable, open source! - GitHub - nextapps-de/winbox: WinBox is a modern HTML5 ...
lars-berger/GlazeWM · GitHub
A tiling window manager for Windows inspired by i3 and Polybar. - GitHub - lars-berger/GlazeWM: A tiling window manager for Windows inspired by i3 and Polybar.
sulami/FrankenWM · GitHub
🖼️ Fast dynamic tiling X11 window manager. Contribute to sulami/FrankenWM development by creating an account on GitHub.
xorg / app / twm · GitLab
Tab Window Manager for the X Window System
Sawfish WindowManager
ianyh/Amethyst · GitHub
Automatic tiling window manager for macOS à la xmonad. - GitHub - ianyh/Amethyst: Automatic tiling window manager for macOS à la xmonad.
Motif - SourceForge
Download Motif for free. Motif released as open source software under LGPL v2.1. Motif is a freely available source code distribution for the Motif user interface component toolkit. Motif 2.3.8 is an updated version of Open Motif 2.3 and is a major bug fix release.
afterstep/afterstep · GitHub
Super configurable, extra lightweight, and fluidly fast Window Manager for X
Comparison of tiling window managers - ArchWiki
FT-Labs/pdwm · GitHub
full animation supported, easy configurable (uses shared library) dwm fork with a control center (pdwmc) - GitHub - FT-Labs/pdwm: full animation supported, easy configurable (uses shared library) d...
Move and resize windows in macOS using keyboard shortcuts or snap areas. The official page for Rectangle.
zwin-project/zwin · GitHub
XR Windowing System on top of Wayland. Contribute to zwin-project/zwin development by creating an account on GitHub.
xrdesktop / xrdesktop · GitLab
A library for XR interaction with traditional desktop compositors.
evil0sheep/motorcar · GitHub
A wayland compositor to explore 3D windowing. Contribute to evil0sheep/motorcar development by creating an account on GitHub.
SimulaVR/Simula · GitHub
Linux VR Desktop. Contribute to SimulaVR/Simula development by creating an account on GitHub.
Way Cooler
A tiling window manager for Wayland written in Rust.
Window managers & Panels - Linuxmobile
Una lista de todas las herramientas y tecnologías para hacer que nuestro Sistema Operativo quede hermoso.❤️
compton: A compositor for X11
A compositor for X11. Contribute to chjj/compton development by creating an account on GitHub.
Jazqa/kwin-quarter-tiling · GitHub
An easy tiling script for KWin. Contribute to Jazqa/kwin-quarter-tiling development by creating an account on GitHub.
kwin-scripts/kwin-tiling · GitHub
Tiling script for kwin. Contribute to kwin-scripts/kwin-tiling development by creating an account on GitHub.
esjeon/krohnkite · GitHub
A dynamic tiling extension for KWin. Contribute to esjeon/krohnkite development by creating an account on GitHub.
waymonad/waymonad · GitHub
A wayland compositor based on ideas from and inspired by xmonad - GitHub - waymonad/waymonad: A wayland compositor based on ideas from and inspired by xmonad
rofi: Rofi-wayland
Rofi: A window switcher, run dialog and dmenu replacement - fork with wayland support - lbonn/rofi: Rofi: A window switcher, run dialog and dmenu replacement - fork with wayland support
koekeishiya/yabai: A tiling window manager for macOS
A tiling window manager for macOS based on binary space partitioning - GitHub - koekeishiya/yabai: A tiling window manager for macOS based on binary space partitioning
Magnet – Window manager for Mac
~bl4ckb0ne/wxrc - sourcehut git