A Penny for your bytes

A Penny for your bytes

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Part I – About Data-Centric Digital Rights (DCDR)
Part I – About Data-Centric Digital Rights (DCDR)
Developers play key role of next generation of Rights defenders Provide clear technical guidance of the protections we wish to ensure A new car built by my company leaves somewhere traveling at 60
Part I – About Data-Centric Digital Rights (DCDR)
Part II - The nature of data
Part II - The nature of data
Data only useful when it is overlayed with context Turning blind eye to the right questions because not ready for actual answers If you don't ask the right questions, I can't give you the answers and
Part II - The nature of data
Part III - NextGen Rights Defenders
Part III - NextGen Rights Defenders
Flawed understanding of data rights leaves consumers to fend for themselves In software is king word, developers hold great deal of responsibility, and yet… I swear to fulfill, to the best of my
Part III - NextGen Rights Defenders
Part IV - DCDR Principles: Programmers Must Not Play at Digital God
Part IV - DCDR Principles: Programmers Must Not Play at Digital God
Train programmers to change their current day-to-day paradigm Start with comprehensive reform of programming educational pipeline Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have
Part IV - DCDR Principles: Programmers Must Not Play at Digital God
Part V - A Byte For Your Thoughts: Ditching ethics, embracing rights
Part V - A Byte For Your Thoughts: Ditching ethics, embracing rights
To base our tech on ethics is a fool’s errand & a very dangerous one at that Solution: Find minimum common denominator that is universally applicable The world – in general – is multicultural, it’s
Part V - A Byte For Your Thoughts: Ditching ethics, embracing rights
Part VI - A Penny For Your Bytes: Shaping tomorrow, today
Part VI - A Penny For Your Bytes: Shaping tomorrow, today
Making the case for the Universal Declaration of Digital Rights, or UDDR Considering the Harms the lifecycle of a digital twin can be exposed to If you tried to pass the UDHR today, no way it would
Part VI - A Penny For Your Bytes: Shaping tomorrow, today