- Clean Air Stars
Air changes per hour, Flow per person, Flow per area. What is the right metric for clean air?
How to Compare Air Cleaning Devices
My 6 Favorite HEPA Filters & Air Cleaners
Air Changes per Hour (ACH & ACPH) Calculator Tool - CFM (Cubic Feet per Minute) - Vaniman
Creating Healthy Indoor Air Quality in Schools | US EPA
To really end the pandemic, we need clean indoor air standards, good ventilation, CO2 monitors and more!
How to measure an air cleaner’s performance
Corsi-Rosenthal Box DIY Purifier: Running Costs, Noise, Efficiency – Smart Air
The Corsi-Rosenthal Box: DIY Box Fan Air Filter for COVID-19 and Wildfire Smoke
CADR tests
SAFE Project (Schools)
ASHRAE 241 Control of Infectious Aerosols Part 2— Equivalent Clean Airflow Rates
ASHRAE Publishes Standard 241, Control of Infectious Aerosols | ashrae.org
Corsi Rosenthal Box | Clean Air Kits
It’s Airborne
PC Fan Corsi-Rosenthal Guide
Air Cleaners, HVAC Filters, and Coronavirus (COVID-19) | US EPA
Let's Clear The Air On COVID | OSTP | The White House
Community, Work, and School