Mechanisms of long COVID and the path toward therapeutics
Long Covid
‘Alarming’ rise in Americans with long Covid symptoms
NasalCrom for Neuroinflammation?
Study: Long COVID affects 8% of those with COVID-19, is more common in women
Informing Blacks with Long Covid
Evidence for Biological Age Acceleration and Telomere Shortening in COVID-19 Survivors
Soluble IL-2R impairs muscle cell mitochondrial respiration in fatigued individuals with post-acute sequelae of COVID-19.
Long COVID is a $1 trillion problem with no cure. Experts plead for governments to wake up - Carolyn Barber
COVID-19 in the Initiation and Progression of Atherosclerosis: Pathophysiology During and Beyond the Acute Phase
Prevalence of infection and reinfection among healthcare workers in a hospital of Northern China between BA.5/BF. 7 and XBB.1.5 wave
Long COVID science, research and policy
Tell President Biden & Congress to Enact the HEAL Legislation Proposal for Long Covid
“They Bungled It”: NIH Documents Reveal How $1.6 Billion Long Covid Initiative Has Failed so Far to Meet its Goals
C:\Users\tam\AppData\Local\Temp\TAM24927.loc - 8.1.2024-Long-COVID-Research-Moonshot-Act-1.pdf
Three-year outcomes of post-acute sequelae of COVID-19
Long COVID – a dystopian game of pinball
(12) Trisha Greenhalgh on X: "Thread on our new state of the science review on #LongCovid. Commissioned by @TheLancet, peer-reviewed, coauthored with @sivanmanoj, @calirunnerdoc and Janko Nikolich. Link for free access is here (after 50 days that won’t work, then you’ll have to" / X
Long COVID: a clinical update
Long COVID politics and activism
Are Workers with a Disability Facing New Opportunities or New Challenges?
Incidence of diabetes after SARS-CoV-2 infection in England and the implications of COVID-19 vaccination: a retrospective cohort study of 16 million people
Risk of Developing Long Covid Is Falling, But Remains ‘Substantial,’ Study Finds
(10) Washington Post Live on X: ".@zalaly tells @akjohnson1922, "It is the responsibility of the providers and also medical societies to teach and train their health care professionals on long covid. And also, medical schools and training programs have not done a good job training people about long covid."" / X
Long COVID puzzle pieces are falling into place – the picture is unsettling
Nearly half of COVID-19 survivors in Africa experiencing Long COVID symptoms, study suggests
Postacute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in the Pre-Delta, Delta, and Omicron Eras | NEJM
Trail runner takes her own life after diagnosis of 'high heart rate'
Experiences of Canadians with long-term symptoms following COVID-19 - 00015-eng.pdf
Every COVID Infection Increases Your Risk of Long COVID, Study Warns
Review of organ damage from COVID and Long COVID: a disease with a spectrum of pathology