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Java Tutorial | Learn Java Programming
A Computer Science portal for geeks. It contains well written, well thought and well explained computer science and programming articles, quizzes and practice/competitive programming/company interview Questions.
Curso de Java desde 0
SqlDBM - online database modeler
SqlDBM - Online database modeler
A Free Database Designer for Developers and Analysts
Quick and simple free tool to help you draw your database relationship diagrams and flow quickly using just keyboard
DrawSQL - 🔥 Database schema diagrams
Para hacer diagramas faciles en SQL
Learn to become a modern Java developer
Community driven, articles, resources, guides, interview questions, quizzes for java development. Learn to become a modern Java developer by following the steps, skills, resources and guides listed in this roadmap.
3.11.4 Documentation
Programming Foundations with JavaScript, HTML and CSS
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IBM Full Stack Software Developer
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Learn JavaScript for free - 9-hour interactive tutorial
Learn the basics of JavaScript by solving 140+ interactive coding challenges. Along the way you will build a game, a browser extension, and even a mobile app!
Learn JavaScript | Codecademy
Learn how to use JavaScript — a powerful and flexible programming language for adding website interactivity.
Full Stack JavaScript | The Odin Project
The Odin Project empowers aspiring web developers to learn together for free
Curso Profesional de JAVA
JAVA es el lenguaje más popular del mundo. Con este lenguajes puedes escribir programas y aplicaciones para cualquier plataforma, gracias a la JAVA Virtual Machine. Es por todo esto por lo que decidimos producir un curso de la más alta calidad, con nuestra metodología de enseñanza exclusiva y completamente gratis. Aprende a fondo el lenguaje de programación JAVA, te enseñamos desde lo básico y los fundamentos. Temas a fondo, programación orientada a objetos, sintáxis y más. En el curso tocaremos temas tales cómo tipos de datos, constantes, operadores, casting, manejo de la clase String, ciclos, condiciones, arreglo, matrices, arreglos multidimensionales, clases, objetos, interfaces, clases abstractas, paquetes, API`s, lectura de datos por teclado y así como las nuevas características de JAVA 10.
Object Oriented Programming in Java
Offered by University of California San Diego and Duke ... Enroll for free.
Java Full Course for free ☕
Java tutorial for beginners full course
#Java #tutorial #beginners
⭐️Time Stamps⭐️
#1 (00:00:00) Java tutorial for beginners ☕
#2 (00:20:26) variables ❌
#3 (00:32:58) swap two variables 💱
#4 (00:36:42) user input ⌨️
#5 (00:44:40) expressions 🧮
#6 (00:49:13) GUI intro 🚩
#7 (00:55:01) Math class 📐
#8 (01:01:08) random numbers 🎲
#9 (01:05:39) if statements 🚧
#10 (01:11:51) switches ⬇
#11 (01:16:36) logical operators ❗
#12 (01:24:33) while loop 🔄
#13 (01:28:13) for loop ➰
#14 (01:32:23) nested loops ➿
#15 (01:38:28) arrays 🚗
#16 (01:44:54) 2D arrays 🚚
#17 (01:52:59) String methods 💬
#18 (01:59:18) wrapper classes 🎁
#19 (02:06:30) ArrayList 🧾
#20 (02:11:02) 2D ArrayList 📜
#21 (02:17:35) for-each loop 🔃
#22 (02:21:20) methods 📞
#23 (02:32:24) overloaded methods ☎️
#24 (02:38:03) printf 🖨️
#25 (02:49:25) final keyword ⛔
#26 (02:51:24) objects (OOP) ☕
#27 (03:01:36) constructors 👷
#28 (03:11:36) variable scope 🌍
#29 (03:16:39) overloaded constructors 🍕
#30 (03:24:04) toString method 🎉
#31 (03:30:08) array of objects 🍱
#32 (03:35:48) object passing 🏬
#33 (03:40:27) static keyword ⚡
#34 (03:48:10) inheritance 👪
#35 (03:53:45) method overriding 🙅♂️
#36 (03:57:33) super keyword 🦸♂️
#37 (04:05:06) abstraction 👻
#38 (04:10:01) access modifiers 🔒
#39 (04:19:39) encapsulation 💊
#40 (04:27:30) copy objects 🖨️
#41 (04:34:03) interface 🦅
#42 (04:41:19) polymorphism 🏁
#43 (04:46:55) dynamic polymorphism ✨
#44 (04:55:13) exception handling ⚠️
#45 (05:02:31) File class 📁
#46 (05:09:15) FileWriter (write to a file) 📝
#47 (05:12:30) FileReader (read a file) 📖
#48 (05:17:04) audio 🔊
#49 (05:27:34) GUI 🖼️
#50 (05:39:41) labels 👨💻
#51 (05:57:01) panels 🟥
#52 (06:09:57) buttons 🛎️
#53 (06:23:50) BorderLayout 🧭
#54 (06:34:53) FlowLayout 🌊
#55 (06:42:21) GridLayout 🔳
#56 (06:47:12) LayeredPane 📚
#57 (06:55:20) open a new GUI window 🗔
#58 (07:05:39) JOptionPane 🛑
#59 (07:17:30) textfield 📛
#60 (07:27:01) checkbox ✔️
#61 (07:35:23) radio buttons 🔘
#62 (07:45:42) combobox 📑
#63 (07:55:37) slider 🌡️
#64 (08:08:08) progress bar 📊
#65 (08:18:46) menubar 🗄️
#66 (08:33:27) select a file 🔎
#67 (08:42:25) color chooser 🎨
#68 (08:48:45) KeyListener 🚀
#69 (09:01:21) MouseListener 🖱️
#70 (09:12:32) drag and drop 👈
#71 (09:26:48) key bindings ⌨️
#72 (09:38:57) 2D graphics 🖍️
#73 (09:58:33) 2D animation 👾
#74 (10:15:14) generics ❓
#75 (10:36:43) serialization 🥣
#76 (10:57:21) TimerTask ⌚
#77 (11:08:36) threads 🧵
#78 (11:24:01) multithreading 🧶
#79 (11:38:44) packages 📦
#80 (11:42:49) compile/run command prompt 💽
#81 (11:50:51) executable (.jar) ☕
Here's the link to the full 100 video playlist:
Code for each topic can be found pinned in each video's comments section
Java Documentation - Get Started
Java is the foundation for virtually every type of networked application and is the global standard for developing and delivering mobile applications, games, Web-based content, and enterprise software.
Learn Java | Codecademy
Learn to code in Java — a robust programming language used to create software, web and mobile apps, and more.
Object Oriented Programming in Java
Offered by University of California San Diego. Welcome ... Enroll for free.
Free Java Tutorial - Free Java Tutorial - Learning Java for Complete Beginners
This free java tutorial for complete beginners will help you learn the java programming language from scratch. Start coding in no time with this course!
Java Course - Mastering the Fundamentals
Embark on your programming journey with our comprehensive Free Java Course for Beginners. Master the fundamentals of Java and gain the skills needed for advanced Java development. This easy-to-follow course is designed with beginners in mind, offering a structured learning path to specialize in Java programming. With no prerequisites, this course empowers you to learn Java at your own pace and take the first step toward a promising career in tech.
Introduction to Data Science with Python
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CS50's Introduction to Databases with SQL
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CS50's Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python
Learn to use machine learning in Python in this introductory course on artificial intelligence.
CS50's Web Programming with Python and JavaScript
This course picks up where CS50 leaves off, diving more deeply into the design and implementation of web apps with Python, JavaScript, and SQL using frameworks like Django, React, and Bootstrap.
CS50's Introduction to Programming with Python
An introduction to programming using Python, a popular language for general-purpose programming, data science, web programming, and more.