At The Clinic, we only work with 'cosmeceutical' products; these are cosmetic products that contain active ingredients in higher concentrations. When applied topically to the skin, active ingredients penetrate more deeply and are clinically proven to produce better results that over the counter ‘cosmetics’.
8 Skincare Active Ingredients and What They Actually Do to Your Skin! - When In Manila
Words by Meldrick Tin Graphics by Heather Co It’s no surprise that we, Filipinos love taking care of our physical appearances as part of our personal hygiene—especially our face and skin. By now, you’ve probably already tried everything—from high-end, local, or Korean skincare. (ALSO READ: Get your Hair, Nails, Eyebrows, and Face Done in One Place: […]
Active Skincare Ingredients 101 - Front Roe by Louise Roe
It can seem as though the beauty industry is shouting about a new, often unpronounceable and supposedly miracle active skincare ingredient every other week.
Are you struggling with a skin problem and haven’t found the right fix? Read our guide on active ingredients so the next time you are dealing with a breakout, dullness or fine lines, you will know exactly what you need to fix them. Active ingredients are designed to target specific skin concerns.
ExpertInnen-Rat: Sollten wir Kosmetik nach dem Prozentsatz ihrer Wirkstoffe kaufen?
Zunehmend verlangen VerbraucherInnen, dass sie eigenständig wählen können, welche Wirkstoffe (und in welchem Prozentsatz) ihre Produkte enthalten. ExpertInnen verraten, worauf beim Kauf zu achten ist.
Last updated on 1/11/22 Have you ever wondered what some of the active key ingredients in your curly hair products actually do? Most people don't know, and that is a problem. There are many harmful