
KR101238742B1 - Cosmetic Composition Containing Anthocyanin for UV Protection - Google Patents
KR101238742B1 - Cosmetic Composition Containing Anthocyanin for UV Protection - Google Patents
Cosmetic composition having a sunscreen according to the invention consists of anthocyanin and skin compatible carrier in the pH range of 3 to 6. The anthocyanin may be used more preferably in the pH 4 to 5 range. The cosmetic composition of the present invention is not particularly limited in cosmetic formulation, and may be formulated in the form of a lotion, skin, or cream. The cosmetic composition of the present invention may optionally add purified water, oil, surfactants, moisturizers, chelating agents, pigments, fatty acids, antioxidants, waxes, pH adjusters, fragrances, preservatives, neutralizing agents, etc. to suit the formulation or purpose of use of the cosmetic. have. The anthocyanins used in the present invention can be obtained by extracting various fruits, vegetables, cereals in distilled water, such as a hot dip or cold dip.
KR101238742B1 - Cosmetic Composition Containing Anthocyanin for UV Protection - Google Patents
Anthocyanins and Skin Health
Anthocyanins and Skin Health
One group of such pigments includes 600 types of naturally occurring anthocyanins. These water-soluble, deep blue and purple colored substances absorb blue-green light and UV rays (Rojo 2013).
Anthocyanins and Skin Health
Using Anthocyanins in Skincare — Botanical Formulations
Using Anthocyanins in Skincare — Botanical Formulations
What are Anthocyanins? Anthocyanins are organic pigments found in the vacuole (cell) of some plants and flowers. They are part of the flavonoid group of phytochemicals (active compounds found in plants) that play an important function for the plant’s reproduction and survival. They give plants, f
Using Anthocyanins in Skincare — Botanical Formulations
Bioactive Compounds for Skin Health: A Review - PubMed
Bioactive Compounds for Skin Health: A Review - PubMed
Human skin is continually changing. The condition of the skin largely depends on the individual's overall state of health. A balanced diet plays an important role in the proper functioning of the human body, including the skin. The present study draws attention to bioactive substances, i.e., vitamin …
Bioactive Compounds for Skin Health: A Review - PubMed
Synthesis and biological evaluation of flavonol-glucose conjugates for cosmeceutical development - Applied Biological Chemistry
Synthesis and biological evaluation of flavonol-glucose conjugates for cosmeceutical development - Applied Biological Chemistry
Quercetin and kaempferol, two well-known flavonols, were chemically conjugated with glucose to produce the corresponding flavonol glucosides, and the following biological activities were evaluated for cosmeceutical development: antioxidant activity, ability to increase collagen synthesis, and moisturizing activity. Among the synthetic flavonol glucosides, quercetin-3-O-β-D-glucoside significantly enhanced collagen synthesis (60 %) compared to quercetin. Kaempferol-3,7-di-O-β-D-glucoside showed promising skin-moisturizing effects, inducing a sixfold increase in the expression of aquaporin-3. Thus, both quercetin-3-O-β-D-glucoside and kaempferol-3,7-di-O-β-D-glucoside were shown to possess interesting biological activities which warrant their further development as cosmetic ingredients.
Synthesis and biological evaluation of flavonol-glucose conjugates for cosmeceutical development - Applied Biological Chemistry
Anthocyane   Anthocyane (engl. Antocyanine, von griech. anthos = Blüte, Blume, kyáneos = dunkelblau) sind wasserlösliche Pflanzenfarbstoffe, die in nahezu