promix Angebot 21 September 2022.pdf
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21 September 2022
promix cosmetics | der Lohnhersteller für Kosmetikprodukte
Antofenol - Homepage
Antofénol oriente et développe donc ses travaux sur la valorisation des déchets viticoles. Nous visons principalement les activités antifongiques.
Cosmetic ingredient supplier
Mibelle Biochemistry is a cosmetics ingredient supplier who designs and develops innovative, high-quality actives based on profound scientific know-how.
PhytoCollagen - Beauty from the Acacia Tree The Plant-Based Collagen Alternative
BASF Announces Partnership and Strategic Equity Investment into Ingredi
BASF and Ingredi announce the signing of a partnership, including a strategic equity investment into Ingredi by BASF.
Mexoryl 400 was kann der neue uv filter
Formation, characterization, and stability of encapsulated hibiscus extract in multilayered liposomes
Transparent liposomes (1, 2 and 5%w/w soy lecithin) containing anthocyanin-rich hibiscus extract (Hibiscus sabdariffa) (0.2, 0.4 and 0.8%w/v) were pre…
Encapsulation of Berberis vulgaris Anthocyanins into Nanoliposome Composed of Rapeseed Lecithin: A Comprehensive Study on Physicochemical Characteristics and Biocompatibility
In the present study, nanoliposomes composed of rapeseed lecithin were used for the encapsulation of anthocyanin compounds (AC). The nanoliposomes were prepared using hydration and ultrasound combined method, and the effect of AC concentration (4.5, 6.75, ...
Flavonoid-Enriched Plant-Extract-Loaded Emulsion: A Novel Phytocosmetic Sunscreen Formulation with Antioxidant Properties
The aim of this study was to develop a phytocosmetic sunscreen emulsion with antioxidant effect, containing a blend of flavonoid-enriched plant extracts. In vitro sun protection factor, antioxidant activity, skin irritation, photostability, cutaneous ...
Natural components in sunscreens: Topical formulations with sun protection factor (SPF)
Artificial sunscreens are already gaining traction in order to protect the skin from sunburns, photoaging and photocarcinogenesis. However, the effica…
What’s New in Photoprotection: A Review of New Concepts and Controversies
Anthocyanidine Referenzsubstanzen | phyproof® Phytolab
Anthocyanidine Referenzsubstanzen | Referenzstandard | Analytik & Qualitätskontrolle | phyproof® Phytolab