Current Periodicals

Current Periodicals

Home - The Australian Friend
Home - The Australian Friend
The Australian Friend is the official journal of The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Australia Inc. It has been continuously published since 1887. There are four issues per year, in March, June, September and December. The Australian Friend is available free online to all readers. This includes the opportunity to comment on articles (comments are moderated before publication). A printed version is available to those Members of Australian Yearly Meeting who request it at no cost. Non-members who wish to obtain the printed version should contact for a price.
Home - The Australian Friend
NCYM(C) - Journal
NCYM(C) - Journal
North Carolina Yearly Meeting (Conservative) Journal In Seventh month 2000, North Carolina Yearly Meeting (Conservative) approved the publication of an occasional journal, the purpose of which is to help make our yearly meeting’s identity and values known to others. (As one Friend observed, if we
NCYM(C) - Journal