Quaker Concern for Population Newsletters

Current Periodicals
Quakers in Criminal Justice - Newsletters
A Newsletter is produced three times a year and circulated to members. Outlines of the content of recent newsletters with a link to download the PDF edition are available here.
Quaker Religious Thought
A publication of the Quaker Theological Discussion Group
Quaker South Asia Interest Group: Newletters
Actions undertaken by Quaker South Asia Interest Group in Leeds.
Quaker Social Action Annual reports
Find out about our year
Quaker Studies Vol. 1 - Vol. 14
Journal of the Quaker Studies Research Association (QSRA) and the Centre for Postgraduate Quaker Studies, Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre
Quaker Studies Vol. 12 - Current
Key Publications | QUNO
QUNO Review 2021 Annual report and summary of QUNO’s history, programmes and ways of working. QUNO (March 2021)
Quaker Theology
Reaching Out - Newsletter of Quaker Afterlife Studies
Reaching Out magazine Reaching Out is the bi-annual newsletter of QFAS. Back issues are available here. To receive the latest issue, please join QFAS.
Sofia - Magazine of the Sea of Faith Network (UK)
Sofia is the magazine of the Sea of Faith Network (UK) and is published quarterly. Selected articles are available free online, and a subscription to the complete magazine is free to all members of the UK network. Non-members can also subscribe to the magazine annually.
South Africa Quaker News
Quaker Ed News - Friend's Council On Education
With this monthly e-newsletter, Friends Council on Education seeks to provide a wide variety of news and information about what's happening in the world of Friends education. Our hope is to share out stories from our member schools as well as news about Friends Council on Education's own activities. In addition to stories about our schools, we'll spotlight Friends school educators and alumni "letting their lives speak" as peacemakers, agents of change, leaders is social justice and equity, leaders in environmental sustainabilty and more.
Southern Appalachian Friend
Southern Appalachian Yearly Meeting and Association of the Religious Society of Friends
Spark | New York Yearly Meeting
Types and Shadows - Fellowship of Quakers in the Arts (FQA)
FQA Types and Shadows is publish quarterly by the Fellowship of Quakers in the Arts. JOURNAL OF THE FELLOWSHIP OF QUAKERS IN THE ARTS
De Vriendenkring is het maandblad van de Nederlandse Quakers.
The Young Quaker
The Young Quaker is a magazine for young Friends everywhere, produced in print and online. Published by Young Friends General Meeting.
What Canst Thou Say?