Elizabeth Fry

Elizabeth Fry

Custom sorting
print; satirical print | British Museum
print; satirical print | British Museum
Interior of a pawnshop, part of the three balls sign showing through the glass panes of the door (left). Mrs. Fry stands behind the counter, inspecting a pair of breeches handed to her by a ragged soldier in tunic, shirt, bare legs, and boots. She puts her hand through a rent, asking: What doe's thee want upon these coverings of Nakedness. He answers: Why Misses I wants as much as you can let me have, for my poor Wife and Fry have not had a bit of Victuals these two Days. She answers: I can only lend thee four & Sixpence upon them, but art thee sure there is nothing in them—remember we only take 10 per Cent. He replies: That Hole was made by a Congreve Rocket. She wears quaker-bonnet, spectacles, white tippet, and plain grey dress. At the counter (right) also stands a thin bare-legged little boy, wearing a ragged (man's) waistcoat. He proffers a big frying-pan, scratching his thatch of hair: I wants Sixpence on this here Fry-ing-Pan. By the door are a ragged artisan and a woman holding a crying infant; he brings a pair of shoes, and tries to make the child laugh. On the shelves behind the counter are books, gridiron, teapot, band-box, &c. On the wall hang a broad-brimmed hat marked 2s and a saw. Below the title: Dedicated to the Quakers, Jews, Heatherns, Incendiaries, Usurers & Monopolists, a goodly Fry. April 24 1824 Hand-coloured etching
print; satirical print | British Museum