Swarthmore Lectures

Swarthmore Lectures

[2021] Kinder Ground Creating Space for Truth by Thomas Penny
[2021] Kinder Ground Creating Space for Truth by Thomas Penny
Thomas Penny's 2021 Swarthmore lecture addresses Truth in the era of fake news, and draws on his 29 years’ experience working as a journalist. He revisits the Quaker commitment to Truth, asking how Quaker practices and approaches may help us in the face of increasing polarisation.
[2021] Kinder Ground Creating Space for Truth by Thomas Penny
[2020] Openings to the Infinite Ocean: A Friendly Offering of Hope Tom Shakespeare
[2020] Openings to the Infinite Ocean: A Friendly Offering of Hope Tom Shakespeare
How do we face all the very real, terrible things that happen in our world and still have hope? How did Friends in the past have hope in dark times and how can we have it today? Tom will reflect on the nature of hope, our reasons to hope, and how we can preach hope through the way we live our lives.
[2020] Openings to the Infinite Ocean: A Friendly Offering of Hope Tom Shakespeare
[2014] Swarthmore Lecture at University of Bath 2014 - by Ben Pink Dandelion [Video]
[2014] Swarthmore Lecture at University of Bath 2014 - by Ben Pink Dandelion [Video]
The 2014 Swarthmore Lecture was given by Quaker author and academic Ben Pink Dandelion. Ben’s lecture explored the theme of transformation, ending with a call for us as Quakers to return to a transforming and transformational faith: “I use the term ‘transforming’ to refer to how early Quakers were transformed in their spiritual experience, how they tried to transform the world around them, how the tradition has transformed, and how we can be transformed, transform our Meetings today and act as agents of transformation in the world, all of which is what it means to be a Quaker in the world today.”
[2014] Swarthmore Lecture at University of Bath 2014 - by Ben Pink Dandelion [Video]
[2015] 'Faith, Power and Peace' - Diana Francis [Video]
[2015] 'Faith, Power and Peace' - Diana Francis [Video]
Diana considers our Quaker peace testimony in relation to the current global context. Drawing on her practical experience of violence and peace-making in many different countries, she articulates a radical vision for humanity and suggest areas of witness and action for Friends. Diana is a member of Bradford-on-Avon meeting and has worked as a facilitator, trainer and consultant with groups of people involved in or affected by political (especially inter-ethnic) conflict, or those seeking to address injustice. She has undertaken a great deal of training (and training for trainers) in conflict transformation and facilitated dialogue in a wide variety of contexts. Diana is a former President of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation and Chair of the Committee for Conflict Transformation Support. She is a peace campaigner and a writer of articles, papers, chapters and books and addressed the 2011 Spring Conference of Quaker Peace and Social Witness (QPSW), with a paper entitled Reason, Faith and Commitment. Subtitling by Redpath Productions, Glastonbury
[2015] 'Faith, Power and Peace' - Diana Francis [Video]
[2016] 'Quaker peacebuilding in Africa' - Cécile Nyiramana and Esther Mombo
[2016] 'Quaker peacebuilding in Africa' - Cécile Nyiramana and Esther Mombo
The lecture provides Quakers and others involved in peace work the chance to hear about how this inspirational work has led to the transformation of suffering into a force for social change. The lecture provides an opportunity to consider peace building as local community work; we have peace work to do on our own streets, and Friends from other Yearly Meetings with experience of this can help us in our work. Worldwide issues of peace, reconciliation, justice and injustice will be illuminated by their healing work. Cécile Nyiramana is the current Clerk of Rwanda Yearly Meeting, having served and worked for the Yearly Meeting in a variety of roles. She founded nine groups of Women in Dialogue, a peace program bringing together widows, genocide survivors and perpetrators wives. Cecile currently works for African Leadership and Reconciliation Ministries (ALARM-Rwanda) as Head of Justice, Peace and Reconciliation. Cecile is a leading peacemaker with established record of promoting human rights and peace and justice. Esther Mombo is a member of Bware Yearly Meeting, Kenya. And Professor of African Church history, Gender and theology at St. Paul’s University in Limuru Kenya. Esther’s PhD (from Edinburgh University) focused on the Development of Quakerism in Kenya with special reference to the role of women and she has received an honorary doctorate from Virginia theological seminary for her work in highlighting issues of gender disparities and gender justice in church and society. Her research and teaching interests span the fields of Church history, with a focus on Mission history, interfaith relations, and theology and Gender studies with a focus on African women’s theology, HIV and AIDS. Esther serves in several ecumenical committees including the Commission of Education and Ecumenical formation of the World Council of Churches and works with religious groups on issues of Gender and women’s full participation in church and society.
[2016] 'Quaker peacebuilding in Africa' - Cécile Nyiramana and Esther Mombo
[2017] 'Faith in politics? A testimony to equality'- Catherine West MP [Video]
[2017] 'Faith in politics? A testimony to equality'- Catherine West MP [Video]
The Swarthmore Lecture 2017: Faith in politics? A testimony to equality was given by Catherine West at 7:30 pm on Monday 31st July 2017 as part of Yearly Meeting Gathering at Warwick University. The lecture focused on addressing inequality, tackling poverty and promoting social justice. It examined how Quakers effect change through politics – both participatory and representative – whilst living out faith in the world. Catherine said, “For me, actively advancing the cause of equality is both a political imperative and a spiritual vocation.”
[2017] 'Faith in politics? A testimony to equality'- Catherine West MP [Video]