WW1 - Friends Ambulance Unit

WW1 - Friends Ambulance Unit

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World War I images: photograph album of Alan Burtt, Friends Ambulance Unit SSA19
World War I images: photograph album of Alan Burtt, Friends Ambulance Unit SSA19
Readers of this blog will have noticed that we have been focusing intensively on the centenary of World War I. Alongside the usual wide range of research, one in five visits to the Library this yea…
World War I images: photograph album of Alan Burtt, Friends Ambulance Unit SSA19
Molly Evans' WW1 Nursing Scrapbook
Molly Evans' WW1 Nursing Scrapbook
Molly Evans‘s nursing scrapbook covers the period 1914 to 1920. This includes a large number of photos, maps and newspaper articles of the period. It also contains letters, poems and testimonials of patients – British, Canadian and Belgian. A larger number of the items have been scanned and have recently been added to this site. MoreContinue reading →
Molly Evans' WW1 Nursing Scrapbook