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Best Home Staging Tips From Top Real Estate Pros
Best Home Staging Tips From Top Real Estate Pros
Best Home Staging Tips Home staging is when a seller will prepare the home for sale by making it more appealing to potentialbuyers. This process sometimes involves hiring a home staging professional and typically includes bringing in appropriate furniture, accessories and décor. It may also include landscaping and fresh paint in rooms that need updating. According to the National Association of Realtors, 31% of home buyers increased their offer by 1-5% because the home was staged. Most realtors will testify that a properly stated home will likely help that home to sell faster and at a higher price. Below are
Best Home Staging Tips From Top Real Estate Pros
Real Estate Agents vs. Realtors vs. Brokers: Who's Who?
Real Estate Agents vs. Realtors vs. Brokers: Who's Who?
Differences Between Real Estate Agents, Realtors, and Brokers One of the questions I often get is if there is a difference between a Realtor, Real Estate agent, and broker. Hiring someone to help you with a real estate transaction can be confusing at times since there are so many different professionals out there vying for your services. To make things more confusing, there are various real estate terms for what seems like the same thing. You have real estate agents, Realtors, and brokers. Are there differences between the three? And if so, how do those differences impact you as a
Real Estate Agents vs. Realtors vs. Brokers: Who's Who?
What is Earnest Money in Real Estate
What is Earnest Money in Real Estate
Earnest Money/Escrow Deposits Explained What is earnest money? How much is earnest money? How does earnest money work? What's the difference between earnest money and down payment funds? These are all common questions that home buyers ask real estate agents daily. By the time you're done reading, you'll have a solid understanding of the answers to these questions. There are plenty of terms and concepts in real estate transactions that can prove confusing or complicated, especially when you have never encountered them before. Earnest money proves to be more complicated than confusing for mos...
What is Earnest Money in Real Estate
Best 9 Reasons To Buy A Home In The Fall
Best 9 Reasons To Buy A Home In The Fall
The fall season is usually full of major changes. Many young people return to school, football season begins in full swing and the overall climate makes a change with cooler temperatures and vibrant colors. Over the last few years, the fall season has also become a popular time to sell a home. While spring still remains the most popular season for selling a home, there are plenty of reasons to try and buy a property in the Autumn of the year. Listed below, learn the 9 reasons to buy a home in the fall! Fewer Buyers In The Fall Since spring is indeed the most popular time to buy or sell a ho...
Best 9 Reasons To Buy A Home In The Fall
Advantages Of Fall Home Buying
Advantages Of Fall Home Buying
After learning the advantages of buying a home in the fall, head over to our blog for some of the best fall home buying tips Buying a home in the fall may sound like a crazy idea, but it can actually work to your favor. The average seller that has their home on the market after Labor Day normally has a true need to get rid of their property. This sense of urgency can help you find a great home at a noticeable discount. If you find yourself in the market to change residency, here are some advantages of buying a home in the fall that ...
Advantages Of Fall Home Buying
Homeowners Association Rules You Need to Know
Homeowners Association Rules You Need to Know
What You Should Know About Homeowners Association Rules If you are shopping for a home right now or are planning on doing so shortly, you are going to encounter homeowners associations (HOAs). HOA's are management organizations that define and enforce rules governing condominium and home communities. Some consider them overbearing patrols that make homeownership harder than it has to be. Others think of homeowners associations as essential organizations that work to maintain the integrity and value of the community. Without a doubt, there are pros and cons to having a homeowners association...
Homeowners Association Rules You Need to Know