1st Anniversary 🎊 2022 🎊

1st Anniversary 🎊 2022 🎊

"Surprise attack!"
"Surprise attack!"
(Reposting for better quality) β€” Neo_NeoKey (@NeoNeokey)
"Surprise attack!"
Following @.judgment_divine's post with all the videos for ToLu's Volume Up, I found the audio files & cobbled them together. Some audio files had very awkward timing, so I tried to fix it in my edits. Worked better for some and not others. (1/3)
Following @.judgment_divine's post with all the videos for ToLu's Volume Up, I found the audio files & cobbled them together. Some audio files had very awkward timing, so I tried to fix it in my edits. Worked better for some and not others. (1/3)
β€” Selena @ πŸ’–πŸ‰ (@Lynsneakers)
Following @.judgment_divine's post with all the videos for ToLu's Volume Up, I found the audio files & cobbled them together. Some audio files had very awkward timing, so I tried to fix it in my edits. Worked better for some and not others. (1/3)
Hey, you, fans! I know what you want to hear! You want to hear the voice files for the characters deaths without any bg noise or in-game sound effects. What do you mean you "don't want to hear that"? Of course you do! Here you go!!
Hey, you, fans! I know what you want to hear! You want to hear the voice files for the characters deaths without any bg noise or in-game sound effects. What do you mean you "don't want to hear that"? Of course you do! Here you go!!
β€” Selena @ πŸ’–πŸ‰ (@Lynsneakers)
Hey, you, fans! I know what you want to hear! You want to hear the voice files for the characters deaths without any bg noise or in-game sound effects. What do you mean you "don't want to hear that"? Of course you do! Here you go!!
HAVE SOME OUTFITS!! πŸŽ‰ β€” Selena @ πŸ’–πŸ‰ (@Lynsneakers)
(Leo Fourcade has opinions about his childhood friend's new fashion sense.) β€” Neo_NeoKey (@NeoNeokey)
Vanitas no Carte AU?
Vanitas no Carte AU?
Who's the human and who's the vampire? I don't know! Falk needs a coat... β€” Neo_NeoKey (@NeoNeokey)
Vanitas no Carte AU?
Another part of the Deserter Joyce AU!
Another part of the Deserter Joyce AU!
Changing into federal guard uniforms to sneak into a fort together, Falk sees things he did not expect. (Falk still doesn't know that that's Joyce and vise versa) β€” Neo_NeoKey (@NeoNeokey)
Another part of the Deserter Joyce AU!