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The following is an attempt to categorize every bookmark manager ever made into the following categories:
visual-based, list-based, start pages, search-based, tag-based, tab management, read it later,
image bookmarking, privacy focused, sync-based, offline downloadable solutions, and other.
8 Best Bookmark Managers To Save Your Favorites Online
Bookmark managers help us to handle a large inflow of web pages in an organized way. Bookmark manager saves our favorites to visit them again. Yes, browser extensions are sufficient for this task, but definitely, we need something to organize our online bookmarks more efficiently. As internet usage has grown up at a rapid pace and there are many such bookmark managers which have evolved with their supportive features. According to a recent analysis, below are some useful bookmark managers: Myfavs.in Myfavs.in is a smart place to save web links, images, videos and more. It has an attractive ...