circle menus

17+ Circular menu example’s - csshint - A designer hub
17+ Circular menu example’s - csshint - A designer hub
17+ Circular menu example’s , In this showcasing, we have pick up beautiful 17+ best circular menu made with Sass and CSS3 transitions, and animations.
17+ Circular menu example’s - csshint - A designer hub
Grid Cartogram component with live COVID demos (plus a MapEditor) / Eric Lo / Observable
Grid Cartogram component with live COVID demos (plus a MapEditor) / Eric Lo / Observable
Grid Cartogram is a prevalent type of map for showing statistical data based on geographic location. It is a distorted form that each cell of the grid represents one subdivision. The cleanness and simplicity help users understand the information quickly without getting distracted by other elements on a normal map. Below is a US COVID map that visualizes the live data from NYT's repository (transformed into the last N days format). The map demonstrates the main features of the GridMap as well as an
Grid Cartogram component with live COVID demos (plus a MapEditor) / Eric Lo / Observable
Time Spiral with a COVID Demo / Eric Lo / Observable
Time Spiral with a COVID Demo / Eric Lo / Observable
Spiral chart visualizes time-based dataset alone an outward spiral. It is beneficial for displaying a large dataset over a long period in a single visualization. Color can be based on values to emphasize the chart's visual aspect or assigned to each period, which helps as a way of observing periodic patterns. Below is an application of the TimeSpiral in a real use case scenario combined with the GridMap. The TimeSpiral plots the cases/deaths number from day one as you hover over each state. * See the
Time Spiral with a COVID Demo / Eric Lo / Observable
COVID–19 Bubble Chart with D3 Render / Kaho Cheung / Observable
COVID–19 Bubble Chart with D3 Render / Kaho Cheung / Observable
A few weeks ago, I published D3 Render: Truly Declarative and Reusable D3, introducing an experimental library that tries to simplify D3 with one render function. To test the capabilities of this library, I thought I'd start with a mildly complex example—an interactive bubble chart. Rather than using dummy data, I've utilised live COVID-19 datasets from Our World In Data. Note: This chart has been embedded as an infographic in this article as part of The Conversation's COVID-19 coverage. COVID–19: Cellular
COVID–19 Bubble Chart with D3 Render / Kaho Cheung / Observable
Fynd Category D3 Zoom node with context menu / prajax / Observable
Fynd Category D3 Zoom node with context menu / prajax / Observable
Click to zoom in or out TODO fork this notebook create a function which convert fynd category csv input csv link to tree JSON output json link on group right click add context menu , which will create a new form with two input box (name, value) on submit button append new node within same group
Fynd Category D3 Zoom node with context menu / prajax / Observable
Circular Navigation - Demo 2 | Codrops
Circular Navigation - Demo 2 | Codrops
Circular Navigation Styles - Building a Circular Navigation with CSS Transforms | Codrops
Circular Navigation - Demo 2 | Codrops
14 CSS Circle Menus
14 CSS Circle Menus
Collection of free HTML and CSS circle menu code examples.
14 CSS Circle Menus