Always-Anonymous Categories Plugin - Plugin - Discourse Meta
I had a request from a co-worker to find a way to offer “anonymous Q&A” to our division’s employees. At first blush, Discourse seemed like the wrong tool for the job: anonymous posting seemed anathema to the whole point of fostering open, friendly, but lively discussions. Discourse does have built-in support for anonymous posting, but it’s a global setting. What we needed was a way to restrict anonymous posting to a single category (or a select subset of them). Even better, make anonymous po...
All Discourse AI features now available on Standard and Business
📯 We are excited to announce that in addition to Enterprise, all Discourse AI features are now available on our Standard and Business plans. Start here to read more about Discourse AI and how to enable the plugin and individual features for your site. ℹ Note that Large Language Model (LLM) based features require an API key for a supported provider We hope this opens the doors to more people using Discourse AI.
Install the Discourse Theme CLI console app to help you build themes
The Discourse Theme CLI is a ruby gem that allows you to use your editor of choice when developing Discourse themes and theme components. As you save files the CLI will update the remote theme or component and changes to it will appear live! Installing To play with it, make sure you have Ruby 2.5 or up installed. If you are on Windows, you have 2 options: Option 1: Windows Subsystem for Linux. Windows 10 has access to a full Linux environment, you can use it to install ruby simply with...
Developing Discourse using a Dev Container
Dev Containers is an open standard for configuring a development environment inside a container. This almost entirely eliminates the need to install/configure Discourse-specific tools/dependencies on your local machine, and makes it very easy to keep up-to-date as Discourse evolves over time. Dev Containers can be used in a number of different IDEs, or directly using their reference CLI. This guide will describe the setup process for VSCode. Getting started Download and install VSCode Ins...
Editor Preview Position
ℹ Summary Allows the user to reposition and resize the preview in the composer for Discourse. 🛠 Repository GitHub - Alteras1/discourse-editor-preview-position: Discourse theme component for users to reposition and resize the preview ❓ Install Guide How to install a theme or theme component 📖 New to Discourse Themes? Beginner’s guide to using Discourse Themes Install this theme component Allows the user to reposition ...
Discourse Category Lockdown - Plugin - Discourse Meta
This plugin allows you to restrict access to topic pages in a category. Topic titles will still show up in topic lists, search, user activity & digest emails. This is a great way to advertise the activity in a “members-only” category, which may charge for access. It IS NOT designed to keep the contents of the category 100% private - if someone is determined enough they will be able to piece together the content from search results. Each category has a couple of new settings in the Security tab...
Discourse Gamification - Plugin - Discourse Meta
:discourse2: Summary Discourse Gamification adds customizable scoring (karma, kudos, points) and leaderboards to your instance. 🛠 Repository Link 📖 Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse 🧪 Demo Leaderboard Features While Discourse ships, out of the box, with gamification features (badges, trust levels) some communities want to take it to another level. That’s where Git...
Trust Level Permissions Reference - Documentation / Using Discourse - Discourse Meta
🔖 This reference aims to be a comprehensive list of Discourse features, marked by Trust Level, and including the relevant admin settings which influence them. Trust Level Grid - Defaults TL = Trust Level dependant ⚙ = Can be enabled or adjusted by an admin setting ⚙ TL0 TL1 TL2 TL3 TL4 Category Moderator Moderator [1] Post Replies ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ TL ✅ [2] Post Topic...
Searching for content effectively - Documentation / Using Discourse - Discourse Meta
🔖 This guide provides a comprehensive overview of Discourse’s search capabilities, including filters, options, and advanced techniques. 🙋 Required user level: All users Discourse offers a powerful search functionality with numerous filters and criteria. When you use the advanced search form, it automatically appends the relevant syntax to your query. For example, selecting [x] In my messages will add in:personal to your search query. This guide covers all availa...
Minimizing Maintenance on Theme Customizations - Documentation / Developer Guides - Discourse Meta
Discourse is highly customizable, enabling you to modify almost any aspect of its appearance through themes. To maintain compatibility with ongoing Discourse updates and new features, all themes require occasional maintenance. The frequency of maintenance depends on the customization complexity and type. You can minimize maintenance efforts for your theme by following these guidelines: Check for official themes or theme components that match your desired functionality. These are updated along...
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Categories Layout Override - theme-component - Discourse Meta
Normally the desktop categories page layout is set via a global site setting. When added to a theme, this component will allow you to override the layout of the categories page for that specific theme. Installation Repository Link This component can be installed more than once if necessary. If you do this, it is recommended to modify the name so you can keep track of which layout is associated with each copy of the component...
Auto-Linkify Words - theme-component - Discourse Meta
❗Discourse has a built-in feature called Watched Words which can replicate most of the features of this theme component. Consider using that before installing this theme component. :discourse2: Summary Auto-Linkify Words allows you to automatically hyperlink certain words or patterns in your post with the desired destination URL. 🛠 Repository Link 📖 New to Discourse Themes? Beginner’s ...
Voice messages for discourse - feature - Discourse Meta
@jrgong I’ve been tracking this too. There is this Theme Component by @angus (which is currently broken)… Also, there is a Plugin by which is now working… Theme Components are usually better and more flexible, so @angus Theme Component is probably the best solution! Maybe we could chip in to pay one of the developers to fix the Theme Component. @jrgong there is also this, which is actually really cool and stable open source… which I might consider packaging as a theme component...
Discourse User Notes - plugin - Discourse Meta
:discourse2: Summary Discourse User Notes provides the ability to share notes with other staff about a user. Normal users cannot see these notes and are designed for staff to be able to privately note down important information other staff may need to know. 🛠 Repository Link 📖 Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse Configuration The User Notes plugin can be enabled either by the toggle or ...
Official Discourse Translator Plugin - plugin - Discourse Meta
:discourse2: Summary Discourse Translator translates posts on Discourse using Microsoft, Google, or Yandex translation APIs. 🛠 Repository Link 📖 Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse Features Each post is only translated once per locale which saves you 💰 Note that language detection is also run once for every post. Be careful when enabling this on old and large forums. Acc...
Discourse Post Voting Plugin - plugin - Discourse Meta
:discourse2: Summary Discourse Post Voting allows the creation of topics with votable posts. 🛠 Repository Link 📖 Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse Features To create a new topic with votable posts open the menu in the top left of the composer and select ‘Toggle Post Voting’: With the topic in Post Voting mode, there’s a filter to sort answers by votes or by activity. Here’s an ex...
Official Discourse AI Plugin - plugin - Discourse Meta
:discourse2: Summary Integration between AI features and Discourse 🌐 Website Discourse AI Features | Discourse - Civilized Discussion 🛠 Repository Link GitHub - discourse/discourse-ai 📖 Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse Discourse AI Discourse AI is our one-stop solution for integrating Artificial Intelligence and Discourse, enabling both new features and enhancing existing ones. Discourse AI Features F...