Found 67 bookmarks
Discourse Gamification Plugin - plugin - Discourse Meta
Discourse Gamification Plugin - plugin - Discourse Meta
:discourse2: Summary Discourse Gamification adds customizable scoring (karma, kudos, points) and leaderboards to your instance. 🛠 Repository Link 📖 Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse 🧪 Demo Leaderboard Features While Discourse ships, out of the box, with gamification features (badges, trust levels) some communities want to take it to another level. That’s where GitHu...
Discourse Gamification Plugin - plugin - Discourse Meta
Discourse Category Experts Plugin - plugin - Discourse Meta
Discourse Category Experts Plugin - plugin - Discourse Meta
:discourse2: Summary Discourse Category Experts allows users to endorse each other as experts in specific categories. Category experts’ posts are decorated to highlight their expertise. 🛠 Repository Link 📖 Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse TL;DR Create an expert group for each of the specific categories you want to enable expert endorsements. To learn how to create groups, see:...
Discourse Category Experts Plugin - plugin - Discourse Meta
Customize posts' contents with your own styles - documentation / theme developers - Discourse Meta
Customize posts' contents with your own styles - documentation / theme developers - Discourse Meta
Requirements ℹ To be able to use these tips and tricks, you need to be an administrator of either a self-hosted Discourse instance or a Discourse-hosted plan higher than Basic. Introduction Discourse supports several methods to format and customize a post’s contents. You can find the list here: But sometimes, you’ll want something more specific, for example, a link that looks like a button. This is the kind of modification we’ll learn here. The logic I’ll briefly e...
Customize posts' contents with your own styles - documentation / theme developers - Discourse Meta
Discourse BBCode - plugin - Discourse Meta
Discourse BBCode - plugin - Discourse Meta
:discourse2: Summary Discourse BBCode adds the ability to use BBCode to format posts. 🛠 Repository Link 📖 Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse Features The Discourse BBCode plugin pulls in much of the BBCode syntax into Discourse. Out-of-the-box: Discourse already supports [i], [b], [s], [u], [quote], [url], [email] and [code], this plugin fills in some more of the gaps to provide a mo...
Discourse BBCode - plugin - Discourse Meta
Guest Gate Theme Component - theme-component - Discourse Meta
Guest Gate Theme Component - theme-component - Discourse Meta
Hello 👋 This theme component is created from Guest Gate (Sign Up Popup Plugin). It can lock topics for anon visitors with a modal and force them to Sign Up or Login. The component can be use for an alert modal, encouraging visitors to sign up but allowing them to close the modal (for this, leave the dismissable false setting unchecked). Options include changing the number of topics that can be viewed before the modal is displayed. Tip: If you use the “custom gate” option and want to hi...
Guest Gate Theme Component - theme-component - Discourse Meta
Theme Developer Quick Reference Guide - documentation / developers - Discourse Meta
Theme Developer Quick Reference Guide - documentation / developers - Discourse Meta
As themes grow more powerful, there’s more to remember about how they work. We have loads of detailed documentation under #howto / #themes, but if you just need something to jog your memory, this guide may help. General Resources 📜 Beginner’s guide 📜 Designer’s guide 📜 Developer’s guide 🖌 Theme Creator 🖥 Theme CLI 📔 Theme Directory 🧩 Component Directory File/Folder Structure read more about.json s...
Theme Developer Quick Reference Guide - documentation / developers - Discourse Meta
Modal window - a modal window style plugin for Discourse - plugin - Discourse Meta
Modal window - a modal window style plugin for Discourse - plugin - Discourse Meta
#modal-window _Repo: A modal window style plugin for Discourse. Hello, this plugin will open a modal window from a forum post. But, You don’t need this plugin to open a modal window outside the forum, in this case, just copy the HTML and CSS code in your forum. Demo ###Modal window with contents : Installation _Everything is explained in the read-me here : Edit your web template (
Modal window - a modal window style plugin for Discourse - plugin - Discourse Meta
Auto Bookmarks plugin - plugin - Discourse Meta
Auto Bookmarks plugin - plugin - Discourse Meta
discourse-auto-bookmarks discourse-auto-bookmarks is a Discourse plugin for adding automatic HTML bookmarks to topics and easily get a sharable link which points at specific parts of the text. Installation Follow Install a Plugin how-to from the official Discourse Meta, using git clone as the plugin command. Usage Hover over any h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 header in your topics, a small bookmark icon will appear: Right click the bookmar...
Auto Bookmarks plugin - plugin - Discourse Meta
Discourse Teambuild - plugin - Discourse Meta
Discourse Teambuild - plugin - Discourse Meta
:discourse2: Summary Discourse Teambuild allows you to run your own team building activity inside Discourse 🛠 Repository Link 📖 Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse Features You might have seen on twitter that Discourse ran a scavenger hunt at our yearly meetup (this time in Montreal.) A few people expressed an interest in using our plugin at their own organisation, so I’m happy to r...
Discourse Teambuild - plugin - Discourse Meta
Discourse Staff Alias
Discourse Staff Alias
Discourse Staff Alias Discourse Staff Alias Official staff alias plugin for Discourse. Repo: The Discourse staff alias plugin allows you to reply, edit and create posts as an alias user. Usage Under admin settings , set the staff alias username for the staff alias plugin and enable the plugin by checking staff alias enabled . Under the composer’s actions drop down, staff users can choose to create topics or posts as the staff alias us...
Discourse Staff Alias
discourse-home-page This Discourse plugin allows to set any existing Discourse page (a topic, a category, etc.) as the home page of your Discourse instance. The repo is here: This plugin is especially useful when used with DiscPage. Settings discourse_home_page_enabled : set to true to enable the plugin discourse_home_page_path : path of the home page. For example /t/12 will set the home page to topic 12 and /c/5 will set the home page...
Smallcaps formatting
Smallcaps formatting
Summary: Add Sᴍᴀʟʟᴄᴀᴘs formatting to your posts. 🔗 GitHub: GitHub - CambridgeDigitalBibleResearch/discourse-small-caps: Add small caps formatting to Discourse posts ➡ Install: Follow the plugin installation guide. Features Put [smallcaps] tags around text and they’ll be formatted with smallcaps. There’s a toolbar button to insert these tags for you.
Smallcaps formatting
Code Fences Highlighting Buttons Plugin
Code Fences Highlighting Buttons Plugin
Hey guys, I’ve created a plugin for Discourse, which adds additional code fences and syntax highlighting buttons to the composer toolbar. The plugin, documentation and all future updates can be found here: The available buttons in your toolbar are configured through the plugin settings. Currently there is one javascript option and one with free to choose syntax highlighting. Options are easily extendable, just duplicate o...
Code Fences Highlighting Buttons Plugin
Add a button at the bottom of a topic, visible to everyone: discourse-custom-topic-button
Add a button at the bottom of a topic, visible to everyone: discourse-custom-topic-button
Summary: This plugin adds a custom button at the bottom of a topic, visible to everyone (who is logged in). 🔗 GitHub: ➡ Install: Follow the plugin installation guide. Features Configuration From Admin Site Settings Plugin, modify custom_topic_button_url custom_topic_button_title custom_topic_button_label Note: For button to be visible only to staff or members of a specific group, see: CHANGELOG TODO
Add a button at the bottom of a topic, visible to everyone: discourse-custom-topic-button
Discourse Category Home 🏠 - plugin - Discourse Meta
Discourse Category Home 🏠 - plugin - Discourse Meta
Summary: Give users each a specific Homepage (“Home Category”) in your community. It allows you to have a single Discourse in which users have specific “home pages” (read: Category) as determined by their Primary Group. 🔗 GitHub: Repository ➡ Install: Follow the plugin installation guide. Features Using only the available interface elements of a normal Discourse, makes this a robust, easy-to-maintain solution. Config...
Discourse Category Home 🏠 - plugin - Discourse Meta
Discourse Google Perspective API - plugin - Discourse Meta
Discourse Google Perspective API - plugin - Discourse Meta
:discourse2: Summary Google Perspective API is the official Google Perspective API plugin for Discourse 🛠 Repository Link 📖 Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse Features What is the Perspective API? From the official site, “Perspective is an API that makes it easier to host better conversations.The API uses machine learning models to score the perceived impact a comment might h...
Discourse Google Perspective API - plugin - Discourse Meta
Latest Knowledge/Discourse topics - Pavilion
Latest Knowledge/Discourse topics - Pavilion
Documentation for all of Pavilion’s a href=""Discourse/a customisations and product practices. You can ask questions here, but please a href=""report bugs here/a, and a href=""request features here/a.
Latest Knowledge/Discourse topics - Pavilion
📗 Discourse User Manual for - Documentation & Support / Website - Edgeryders
📗 Discourse User Manual for - Documentation & Support / Website - Edgeryders
Our shiny, new and complete manual for using the website. Covers both general use of our Discourse forum software, and conventions and features only found here. For admin features, see the Discourse Admin Manual. Content 1. Getting started 1.1. Signup and login 1.2. Completing or changing your profile information 1.3. Introduction to the platform’s concepts and features 1.4. Why we have our own platform, and it’s different 1.5. Netiquette 1.6. Security 1.7. What if my written En...
📗 Discourse User Manual for - Documentation & Support / Website - Edgeryders