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B4: experience with a globally-deployed software defined wan: ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review: Vol 43, No 4
B4: experience with a globally-deployed software defined wan: ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review: Vol 43, No 4
We present the design, implementation, and evaluation of B4, a private WAN connecting Google's data centers across the planet. B4 has a number of unique characteristics: i) massive bandwidth requirements deployed to a modest number of sites, ii) elastic ...
B4: experience with a globally-deployed software defined wan: ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review: Vol 43, No 4
Microsoft’s OpenAI partnership was born from Google envy
Microsoft’s OpenAI partnership was born from Google envy
It turns out the lay of today’s AI landscape can be traced back to fear, jealousy and intense capitalist ambition. Emails revealed in the Department of Justice’s antitrust case against Google show Microsoft executives expressing alarm and envy over Google’s AI lead.
Scott pinned the blame on infrastructure leaps its rival had made — and that Microsoft hadn’t.
“When they took all of the infrastructure that they had built to build [natural language] models that we couldn’t easily replicate, I started to take things more seriously,” Scott wrote. “And as I dug in to try to understand where all of the capability gaps were between Google and us for model training, I got very, very worried.”
Emails revealed in the Department of Justice’s antitrust case against Google, first reported by Business Insider, show Microsoft executives expressing alarm and envy over Google’s AI lead.
Microsoft’s OpenAI partnership was born from Google envy
Google reveals Spanner, the database tech that can span the planet
Google reveals Spanner, the database tech that can span the planet
The Spanner technology sees Google craft a globally distributed database to underpin its massive software platforms with the help of atomic clocks, GPS systems and some of its most lauded computer scientists.
Google reveals Spanner, the database tech that can span the planet
How Cloud Spanner delivers strong consistency at scale
How Cloud Spanner delivers strong consistency at scale
Google Cloud Spanner → Strong consistency is one of the main reasons to back your mission-critical applications with a relational database. However, last generation’s relational databases have relied on techniques like sharding to scale to today’s workloads. These typically force you to choose among performance, availability, and consistency. In this episode of Spanner Database Unlimited, we show how Cloud Spanner provides the strongest consistency guarantees without sacrificing availability or performance at scale. Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 0:30 - The benefits and challenges of maintaining strong consistency 1:40 - External consistency in Cloud Spanner 2:27 - Coordinating updates with TrueTime and Paxos 6:17 - Summary and next steps Watch more episodes of Spanner: Database Unlimited → Subscribe to Google Cloud Tech → ​ #SpannerDatabaseUnlimited Product: Cloud Spanner; fullname: Alicia Williams;
How Cloud Spanner delivers strong consistency at scale
If Xerox PARC Invented the PC, Google Invented the Internet
If Xerox PARC Invented the PC, Google Invented the Internet
Inside Google, Jeff Dean is regarded with awe. Outside the company, few even know his name. But they should. Dean is part of a small group of Google engineers who designed the fundamental software and hardware that underpinned the company's rise to the web's most dominant force, and these creations are now mimicked by the rest of the net's biggest names -- not to mention countless others looking to bring the Google way to businesses beyond the web.
Dean is part of a small group of Google engineers who designed the fundamental software and hardware that underpinned the company's rise to the web's most dominant force
>"Google did a great job of slurping up some of the most talented researchers in the world at a time when places like Bell Labs and Xerox PARC were dying. It managed to grab not just their researchers, but their lifeblood."
But because Google is so concerned with keeping its latest data center work hidden from competitors
"Google did a great job of slurping up some of the most talented researchers in the world at a time when places like Bell Labs and Xerox PARC were dying,"
Google's new approach to data center hardware
The difference between it and a Xerox PARC is that Google profited mightily from its creations before the rest of the world caught on.
"Jeff and Sanjay worked together to develop much of Google's infrastructure
In the '90s, both worked at Silicon Valley research labs run by the Digital Equipment Corporation
They came to Google as part of a mass migration from DEC's research arm.
Some went to a Palo Alto startup called VMware, whose virtual servers were about to turn the data center upside-down.
Eric Brewer, the University of California at Berkeley computer science professor who now works alongside Dean and Ghemawat.
several other engineers who arrived at Google from DEC would help design technologies that caused a seismic shift in the web as a whole, including Mike Burrows, Shun-Tak Leung, and Luiz André Barroso
Rather than using big, beefy machines to run its search engine, it broke its software into pieces and spread them across an army of small, cheap machines. This is the fundamental idea behind GFS, MapReduce, and BigTable – and so many other Google technologies that would overturn the status quo.
"The architecture challenges that arise when building a data system like Google's that spans thousands of computers
Jeff Dean was the first to arrive from DEC. He came by way of his "academic uncle," Urs Hölzle.
Hölzle was one of Google's first 10 employees, and as the company's first vice president of engineering, he oversaw the creation of the Google infrastructure, which now spans more than 35 data centers across the globe
He was soon hired by the same man who hired Hölzle: Google co-founder Larry Page.
the company's core search technologies, which were already buckling under the weight of a rapidly growing worldwide web
Barroso and Hölzle in their seminal 2009 book on the subject, The Datacenter as a Computer. "In other words, we must treat the data center itself as one massive warehouse-scale computer.”
but the details remained hidden until 2009
In the data center, Google isn't content to merely innovate. It keeps the innovations extremely quiet until it's good and ready to share them with the rest of the world.
Larry Page has a thing for Nikola Tesla. According to Steven Levy's behind the scenes look at Google – In The Plex – Page regarded Tesla as an inventor on par with Edison, but always lamented his inability to turn his inventions into profits and long-term recognition.
Clearly, the cautionary tale of Nicola Tesla influenced the way Google handles its core technologies. It treats them as trade secrets, and much like Apple, the company has a knack for keeping them secret. But in some cases, after a technology runs inside Google for several years, the company will open the kimono. "We try to be as open as possible – without giving up our competitive advantage," says Hölzle. "We will communicate the idea, but not the implementation."
In 2006, Google published a paper on its sweeping database, and together with an Amazon paper describing a data store called Dynamo
In 2003 and 2004, the company published papers on GFS and MapReduce.
We still know relatively little about the inside of Google's data centers, but the company's efforts to design and build its own gear
updating the index in realtime
We don't know much about what the company's now uses inside these top secret facilities
In recent years, Google published papers on Caffeine and two other sweeping software platforms that underpin its services: Pregel, a "graph" database for mapping relationships between pieces of data, and Dremel, a means of analyzing vast amounts data at super high speeds.
In May of last year, University of California at Berkeley professor Eric Brewer announced he was joining the team building Google's "next gen" infrastructure.
Google was a research operation – and yet it wasn't. "The Google infrastructure work wasn't really seen as research," Ghemawat says. "It was about how do we solve the problems we're seeing in production."
For some, the drawback of working on Google's core infrastructure is that you can't tell anyone else what you're doing. This is one of the reasons an engineer named Amir Michael left Google
If Xerox PARC Invented the PC, Google Invented the Internet
Google Spanner: When Do You Need to Move to It?
Google Spanner: When Do You Need to Move to It?
Know about what Google Spanner is, its advantages & disadvantages, in what scenarios it’s better to use vs. other cloud solutions, and how to migrate to it.
Google Spanner: When Do You Need to Move to It?
Google Earth Engine
Google Earth Engine
Google Earth Engine combines a multi-petabyte catalog of satellite imagery and geospatial datasets with planetary-scale analysis capabilities and makes it available for scientists, researchers, and developers to detect changes, map trends, and quantify differences on the Earth's surface.
Google Earth Engine
Public NTP | Google Developers
Public NTP | Google Developers
A free, global time service that you can use to synchronize to Google's atomic clocks.
Public NTP | Google Developers
Google unites worldwide data centres with GPS and atomic clocks
Google unites worldwide data centres with GPS and atomic clocks
The search giant's new Spanner system can juggle data across as many as 10 million servers around the world while minimising the amount of traffic sent between them
Three years ago, a top Google engineer named Vijay Gill was asked what he would do if someone gave him a magic wand.
Gill hesitated before answering. And when he did answer, he was coy. But he seemed to say he would use that magic wand to build a single system that could automatically and instantly juggle information across all of Google's data centres.Then he indicated that Google had already built one. "How do you manage the system and optimise it on a global level?" he said. "That is the interesting part."
But about four months later, Google dropped another hint. At a symposium in the mountains of Montana, Jeff Dean -- one of Google's most important engineers -- revealed that the web giant was working on something called Spanner, describing it as a " storage and computation system that spans all our data centres." He said the plan was to eventually juggle data across as many as 10 million servers sitting in "hundreds to thousands" of data centres across the globe.
According to Google, it's the first database that can quickly store and retrieve information across a worldwide network of data centres while keeping that information "consistent" -- meaning all users see the same collection of information at all times -- and it's been driving the company's ad system and various other web services for years.
but at its heart is something completely new. Spanner plugs into a network of servers equipped with super-precise atomic clocks or GPS antennas
That's right, Google attaches GPS antennas and honest-to-goodness atomic clocks to its servers. "It's a big deal -- and it's really novel," says Andy Gross
"The conventional wisdom -- at least among people with modest resources -- is that time synchronisation like that, on a global scale, that is accurate enough for such a big distributed database, just isn't practical."
The Spanner paper lists many authors, but two stand out: Jeff Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat.
Spanner draws on BigTable, but it goes much further. Whereas BigTable is best used to store information across thousands of servers in a single data centre, Spanner expands this idea to millions of servers and multiple data centres.
The genius of the platform lies in something Google calls the TrueTime API.
TrueTime uses those GPS antennas and atomic clocks to get Google's entire network running in lock step.
"One aspect of our design stands out," the paper reads. "The linchpin of Spanner's feature set is TrueTime."
To understand TrueTime, you have to understand the limits of existing databases.
They work well enough, but they aren't designed to juggle information across multiple data centres
With TrueTime, Spanner solves this problem, taking an approach that no one expected.
Rather than try to improve the communication between servers, Google spreads clocks across its network. It equips various master servers with GPS antennas or atomic clocks,
"A lot of current research [outside of Google] focuses on complicated coordination protocols between machines, but this takes a completely different approach," Gross says. "By using highly accurate clocks and a very clever time API, Spanner allows server nodes to coordinate without a whole lot of communication."
Ordinary servers tap into public atomic clocks in an effort to maintain the correct time. But this method isn't as accurate as it could be, says Gross. Google has gone a step further, installing its own atomic clocks -- and GPS antennas -- directly on its machines.
The system was first used to help serve ads across the Google empire, but it has since expanded to all sorts of other Google services.
The rub is that you can't use Spanner unless you add hardware to your servers.
Google unites worldwide data centres with GPS and atomic clocks