Theme Components

Minimizing Maintenance on Theme Customizations - Documentation / Developer Guides - Discourse Meta
Minimizing Maintenance on Theme Customizations - Documentation / Developer Guides - Discourse Meta
Discourse is highly customizable, enabling you to modify almost any aspect of its appearance through themes. To maintain compatibility with ongoing Discourse updates and new features, all themes require occasional maintenance. The frequency of maintenance depends on the customization complexity and type. You can minimize maintenance efforts for your theme by following these guidelines: Check for official themes or theme components that match your desired functionality. These are updated along...
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Minimizing Maintenance on Theme Customizations - Documentation / Developer Guides - Discourse Meta
Categories Layout Override - theme-component - Discourse Meta
Categories Layout Override - theme-component - Discourse Meta
Normally the desktop categories page layout is set via a global site setting. When added to a theme, this component will allow you to override the layout of the categories page for that specific theme. Installation Repository Link This component can be installed more than once if necessary. If you do this, it is recommended to modify the name so you can keep track of which layout is associated with each copy of the component...
Categories Layout Override - theme-component - Discourse Meta
Auto-Linkify Words - theme-component - Discourse Meta
Auto-Linkify Words - theme-component - Discourse Meta
❗Discourse has a built-in feature called Watched Words which can replicate most of the features of this theme component. Consider using that before installing this theme component. :discourse2: Summary Auto-Linkify Words allows you to automatically hyperlink certain words or patterns in your post with the desired destination URL. 🛠 Repository Link 📖 New to Discourse Themes? Beginner’s ...
Auto-Linkify Words - theme-component - Discourse Meta
Voice messages for discourse - feature - Discourse Meta
Voice messages for discourse - feature - Discourse Meta
@jrgong I’ve been tracking this too. There is this Theme Component by @angus (which is currently broken)… Also, there is a Plugin by which is now working… Theme Components are usually better and more flexible, so @angus Theme Component is probably the best solution! Maybe we could chip in to pay one of the developers to fix the Theme Component. @jrgong there is also this, which is actually really cool and stable open source… which I might consider packaging as a theme component...
Voice messages for discourse - feature - Discourse Meta
Customize posts' contents with your own styles - documentation / theme developers - Discourse Meta
Customize posts' contents with your own styles - documentation / theme developers - Discourse Meta
Requirements ℹ To be able to use these tips and tricks, you need to be an administrator of either a self-hosted Discourse instance or a Discourse-hosted plan higher than Basic. Introduction Discourse supports several methods to format and customize a post’s contents. You can find the list here: But sometimes, you’ll want something more specific, for example, a link that looks like a button. This is the kind of modification we’ll learn here. The logic I’ll briefly e...
Customize posts' contents with your own styles - documentation / theme developers - Discourse Meta
Guest Gate Theme Component - theme-component - Discourse Meta
Guest Gate Theme Component - theme-component - Discourse Meta
Hello 👋 This theme component is created from Guest Gate (Sign Up Popup Plugin). It can lock topics for anon visitors with a modal and force them to Sign Up or Login. The component can be use for an alert modal, encouraging visitors to sign up but allowing them to close the modal (for this, leave the dismissable false setting unchecked). Options include changing the number of topics that can be viewed before the modal is displayed. Tip: If you use the “custom gate” option and want to hi...
Guest Gate Theme Component - theme-component - Discourse Meta
User-specific Discourse home page - feature - Discourse Meta
User-specific Discourse home page - feature - Discourse Meta
I would like a way to give individual users the ability to have any page as their home page. Background Currently, we can set the default homepage to be one of several views, and users can personalise this: Using a plugin by @syl, the default home page can be any page within the Discourse instance: Alternatively, using a theme component by @pfaffman can allow you to use any page: My use-case In our login-only instances, we have groups that almost exclusively use the instance for their o...
User-specific Discourse home page - feature - Discourse Meta
Theme Developer Quick Reference Guide - documentation / developers - Discourse Meta
Theme Developer Quick Reference Guide - documentation / developers - Discourse Meta
As themes grow more powerful, there’s more to remember about how they work. We have loads of detailed documentation under #howto / #themes, but if you just need something to jog your memory, this guide may help. General Resources 📜 Beginner’s guide 📜 Designer’s guide 📜 Developer’s guide 🖌 Theme Creator 🖥 Theme CLI 📔 Theme Directory 🧩 Component Directory File/Folder Structure read more about.json s...
Theme Developer Quick Reference Guide - documentation / developers - Discourse Meta
Modal window - a modal window style plugin for Discourse - plugin - Discourse Meta
Modal window - a modal window style plugin for Discourse - plugin - Discourse Meta
#modal-window _Repo: A modal window style plugin for Discourse. Hello, this plugin will open a modal window from a forum post. But, You don’t need this plugin to open a modal window outside the forum, in this case, just copy the HTML and CSS code in your forum. Demo ###Modal window with contents : Installation _Everything is explained in the read-me here : Edit your web template (
Modal window - a modal window style plugin for Discourse - plugin - Discourse Meta
Code Fences Highlighting Buttons Plugin
Code Fences Highlighting Buttons Plugin
Hey guys, I’ve created a plugin for Discourse, which adds additional code fences and syntax highlighting buttons to the composer toolbar. The plugin, documentation and all future updates can be found here: The available buttons in your toolbar are configured through the plugin settings. Currently there is one javascript option and one with free to choose syntax highlighting. Options are easily extendable, just duplicate o...
Code Fences Highlighting Buttons Plugin
Add a button at the bottom of a topic, visible to a specific group: discourse-topic-group-button
Add a button at the bottom of a topic, visible to a specific group: discourse-topic-group-button
Summary: This plugin adds a custom button at the bottom of a topic, visible only to staff or members of a specific group. 🔗 GitHub: ➡ Install: Follow the plugin installation guide. Features Configuration From Admin Site Settings Plugin, modify topic_group_button_url topic_group_button_title topic_group_button_label topic_group_button_allowed_group Note: For button to be visible to everyone, see: CHANG...
Add a button at the bottom of a topic, visible to a specific group: discourse-topic-group-button
Add a button at the bottom of a topic, visible to everyone: discourse-custom-topic-button
Add a button at the bottom of a topic, visible to everyone: discourse-custom-topic-button
Summary: This plugin adds a custom button at the bottom of a topic, visible to everyone (who is logged in). 🔗 GitHub: ➡ Install: Follow the plugin installation guide. Features Configuration From Admin Site Settings Plugin, modify custom_topic_button_url custom_topic_button_title custom_topic_button_label Note: For button to be visible only to staff or members of a specific group, see: CHANGELOG TODO
Add a button at the bottom of a topic, visible to everyone: discourse-custom-topic-button
Compact view of topics - plugin / extras - Discourse Meta
Compact view of topics - plugin / extras - Discourse Meta
discourse-compact-topic-view Purpose Compact view of topics. Description To get an overview of a topic, a compact view of all posts can be helpful. Standard GUI: Compact GUI: How-to If the source data (posts) are available, there is a lot of freedom to transform the data. Procedure: Load discourse data on local computer (via discourse-reader). Transform discourse data (via Go templates and dagote). Display the transformed data in the browser. Concept: Via Go template you defi...
Compact view of topics - plugin / extras - Discourse Meta
Topic Ratings Plugin - plugin - Discourse Meta
Topic Ratings Plugin - plugin - Discourse Meta
A Discourse plugin that lets you use topics to rate things! Features Rate topics by a star rating system in the composer. Enable different rating types on a per-category or per-tag basis. Toggle rating count and average rating per rating type. Toggle visibility of ratings, counts and averages based on user roles. Bulk actions including rating type migration 📄 Get the code 🐛 Report a bug Lost? Not sure how to install a plugin? Follow the steps here. Make sure you...
Topic Ratings Plugin - plugin - Discourse Meta
Actions · discourse/discourse-plugin-skeleton
Actions · discourse/discourse-plugin-skeleton
Template for Discourse plugins. Contribute to discourse/discourse-plugin-skeleton development by creating an account on GitHub.
Actions · discourse/discourse-plugin-skeleton
Contribute to discourse/all-the-themes development by creating an account on GitHub.
Contribute to discourse/all-the-plugins development by creating an account on GitHub.
Developer’s guide to Discourse Themes - howto / developers - Discourse Meta
Developer’s guide to Discourse Themes - howto / developers - Discourse Meta
So, you want to create Discourse themes? Not sure where to start? Or maybe you have created Discourse themes before, but want to learn how to do even more cool things. Well, you’ve come to the right place 😉 Developer’s guide to Discourse Themes Subjects include a general overview of Discourse themes, creating and sharing Discourse themes, theme development examples, searching for and finding information / examples in the Discourse repository, and best practices. Prerequisites: ...
Developer’s guide to Discourse Themes - howto / developers - Discourse Meta