Clavinet History In 5 Minutes - YouTube
All you need to know about Hohner's Clavinet! The first 1000 people who click the link will get 2 free months of Skillshare Premium: https://skl.sh/doctormix ►Here's a great Clavinet video from Vintage Vibe, check it out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIjY7dk8hGo&t ►Alex Ball wrote the script of this mini documentary, check his awesome channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrUAuvM2Dhf6ibh50EvILlw ►Check all my Clavinet videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3zIryVDCWcWOj0Dm98_8KyKsUuVab2IB If you liked this style of video let me know in the comments below! ★ Subscribe to this...
Funkiest Clavinet Players - YouTube
Funky solos, riffs, and excerpts from some of the best clavinet/electric clavichord players in chronological order. The time span represented is from 1969 (first use of a wah-wah pedal on a clavinet by Garth Hudson of The Band) to 1976. Clavinet Player / Song / Band or Artist Listed Below: 1. Garth Hudson / Up on Cripple Creek / The Band 2. Billy Preston / Outa Space 3. Unknown / No Back Door / The Violinaires 4. Bill Withers / Use Me 5. Bernie Worrell / A Joyful Process / Funkadelic (NOTE: not a clavinet! Maybe an ARP Odyssey?) 6. Stevie Wonder / Superstition 7. Larry Dunn / Power / Earth ...
The Mellotron: A Keyboard with the Power of an Orchestra (1965) | British Pathé
British T.V. personalities, Eric Robinson and David Nixon, introduce us to an electro-mechanical, polyphonic tape replay keyboard otherwise known as the 'Mellotron.' For Archive Licensing Enquiries Visit: https://goo.gl/W4hZBv Explore Our Online Channel For FULL Documentaries, Fascinating Interviews & Classic Movies: https://goo.gl/7dVe8r #BritishPathé #History #Instruments License This Film: (FILM ID:333.10) https://www.britishpathe.com/video/the-mellotron Subscribe to the British Pathé YT Channel: https://goo.gl/hV1nkf The personalities Eric Robinson and David Nixon introduce us to the mu...