Music Science

Music Science

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Music in the brain
Music in the brain
For the first time, MIT neuroscientists have identified a neural population in the human auditory cortex that responds selectively to sounds that people typically categorize as music, but not to speech or other environmental sounds.
Music in the brain
Klangpsychologie in der Filmmusik | SOUND & RECORDING
Klangpsychologie in der Filmmusik | SOUND & RECORDING
Musik für Werbeclips wird aus Zeitgründen meist nur noch selten komponiert — Werbeagenturen bedienen sich gerne umfangreicher Musik-Pools. Als Filmmusikschaffender kann man sich aber intensiv mit zahlreichen Aspekten der Klangpsychologie beschäftigen und diese in die Komposition bewusst einfließen lassen. Auch beim Songwriting kann man sich mancher psychologischer Tricks bedienen ... Sind die Mechanismen einer Musik,...
Klangpsychologie in der Filmmusik | SOUND & RECORDING
Mood-Management mit Musik | SOUND & RECORDING
Mood-Management mit Musik | SOUND & RECORDING
Musik, die nicht der Kunst verpflichtet ist, sondern kommerziellen Zielen und Zwecken folgt, bezeichnet man gemeinhin als »Gebrauchsmusik«. So soll uns die Hintergrundmusik im Supermarkt zum Shoppen anregen, der Klangteppich im Aufzug uns die Ängste nehmen und der Schlager während einer Kaffeefahrt die Senioren zum Schunkeln bringen. Was anspruchslos klingt, ist in der Praxis jedoch...
Mood-Management mit Musik | SOUND & RECORDING
Science of Music Step Re-Mix Exploratorium's Accidental Scientist
Science of Music Step Re-Mix Exploratorium's Accidental Scientist
Step Re-Mix: Build complex rhythms with a dance form called �stepping.� The Science of Music: The Exploratorium brings music to your ears with online exhibits, films, and questions that explore the science of music. Try mixing, stepping, composing, and drumming and learn about resonance, polyrhythms, timbre, sound envelopes, acoustics, and more.
Science of Music Step Re-Mix Exploratorium's Accidental Scientist
Why we love repetition in music
Why we love repetition in music
How many times does the chorus repeat in your favorite song? How many times have you listened to that chorus? Repetition in music isn't just a feature of Western pop songs, either; it's a global phenomenon. Why? Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis walks us through the basic principles of the 'exposure effect,' detailing how repetition invites us into music as active participants, rather than passive listeners. [Directed by Andrew Zimbelman, narrated by Addison Anderson, music by Joshua Smoak and Alex Admiral Collier].
Why we love repetition in music
The Ryerson Audio-Visual Database of Emotional Speech and Song (RAVDESS): A dynamic, multimodal set of facial and vocal expressions in North American English
The Ryerson Audio-Visual Database of Emotional Speech and Song (RAVDESS): A dynamic, multimodal set of facial and vocal expressions in North American English
The RAVDESS is a validated multimodal database of emotional speech and song. The database is gender balanced consisting of 24 professional actors, vocalizing lexically-matched statements in a neutral North American accent. Speech includes calm, happy, sad, angry, fearful, surprise, and disgust expressions, and song contains calm, happy, sad, angry, and fearful emotions. Each expression is produced at two levels of emotional intensity, with an additional neutral expression. All conditions are available in face-and-voice, face-only, and voice-only formats. The set of 7356 recordings were each...
The Ryerson Audio-Visual Database of Emotional Speech and Song (RAVDESS): A dynamic, multimodal set of facial and vocal expressions in North American English